《Insurance Studies》 2008-05
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Zhejiang is a province with a large number of small and medium enterprises who have become a major driving force for its economic development.However,the service level and capability of the insurance industry lag significantly be- hind the demands of these enterprises.This report analyzed the services provided to these small and medium enterprises in Zhejiang province.It explained the contradiction between demands and supply in respect of insurance services and internal and external factors constraining its development.Furthermore,it made proposal on policies to enhance services for small and medium enterprises from the aspects of government,enterprises and insurers,namely,promulgating policies favorable for the development of insurance services to small and medium enterprises,creating a favorable external environment,enhancing people's awareness of the importance of insurance services and strengthening insurance service capability for small and medi- um enterprises.
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1 Bai Da-wei Fu Rui Cen Jian-jun;An analysis on non-life insurance products for small to medium enterprises and its market[J];Insurance Studies;2008-01