中西數(shù)字文化對比與對外漢語教學(xué).pdf 全文免費在線閱讀
網(wǎng)友1322891254近日為您收集整理了關(guān)于中西數(shù)字文化對比與對外漢語教學(xué)的文檔,希望對您的工作和學(xué)習(xí)有所幫助。以下是文檔介紹:3Cultureof Digit between China and Western and TeachingChinese as a Foreign LanguageA Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate School of Henan Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree ofMaster ofTeaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages?ByQiang YuanyuanSupervisor: Prof.Liu YonghuaApr., 2013I摘要數(shù)字是人類思維發(fā)展到一定階段,為適應(yīng)社會生產(chǎn)活動而產(chǎn)生的一種特殊的語言符號。數(shù)字本身只是人類用來計數(shù)的一種手段,本身不帶有任何神秘色彩和神奇力量。但隨著歷史的發(fā)展和演變,數(shù)字原本的實指的意義開始不斷虛化,并且形成了某種特有的文化意義,逐漸形成了數(shù)字文化。數(shù)字文化的產(chǎn)生使得數(shù)字被賦予了新的文化內(nèi)涵。不同民族對數(shù)字的喜愛、憎惡及使用情況都有差異,這些差異是由其民族的地理環(huán)境、宗教信仰、民族心理、思維方式等方面決定的。本文從數(shù)字出發(fā)對中西數(shù)字文化的差異、差異產(chǎn)生原因及數(shù)字在跨文化交際中的應(yīng)用方面闡述觀點,為今后進行深入廣泛的研究提供參考數(shù)據(jù)。本文在緒論部分對研究意義和研究現(xiàn)狀進行了論述。正文有三部分:第一部分界定了數(shù)字、數(shù)字文化,論述了數(shù)字在跨文化中的應(yīng)用——以數(shù)字習(xí)語為例。第二部分是本文的核心。主要從數(shù)字文化內(nèi)涵、宗教神話、數(shù)字喜忌、數(shù)字表示方法這四方面闡述中西數(shù)字文化的差異。并從宗教、神話傳說、民族文化心理、思維方式對中西數(shù)字的影響方面分析數(shù)字文化差異原因。第三部分從數(shù)字詞特點出發(fā),論述對外漢語教學(xué)中的數(shù)字詞特點及應(yīng)該如何進行數(shù)字詞教學(xué)。本文在中西數(shù)字文化差異及差異原因方面展示充分,并將數(shù)字與跨文化結(jié)合,以期能為今后的對外漢語數(shù)字詞教學(xué)研究貢獻力量。關(guān)鍵詞:數(shù)字,數(shù)字詞,差異對比,差異原因,數(shù)字詞教學(xué)IIIABSTRACTDigit is a special language symbols, that when human mind develops to a certain stage, it has been produced in order to meet the social production activities. Digit is just a mean for people to count the numbers, it does not have any mystery and magic. However, with the development and evolution of history, the original real meaning of digit began to blur, and it began to form a unique cultural significance, and finally, it gradually formed a digital culture. Due to the production of the digital culture, numbers are endowed with new connotation. As different ethnic groups have many differences in the geographical environment, religious beliefs, national psychology, and thinking mode, their attitude towards digit is different. This paper is based on the digit, has researched differences between Chinese and western national digital culture, and the causes of the differences, it has also studied the application of digit in munication;hopefully it may provide reference data for further research.This paper is divided into threechapters,The introduction part wrote the significanceof the topicand the current situation;The firstchapter mainly introducesthe definition of digit and the digital culture, andalso discusses the application of digit in municationbased on the research of the digital idioms;The second chapter is the core content of this paper, it mainly discusses the differencesbetween Chinese and western national digital culturethrough studies offour aspects: the digital cultural connotation, religious myths, people’s attitude towards digit, digital representation methods, besides, it also analyzesthe reasons for the differences of Chinese and Western Digitbased on the study of influencefromreligion,myths and legends, national culture, psychology, way of thinkingto digit;The third chapterdiscusses the characteristics of digital word in the teaching Chinese as a foreign languagebased on the research onthe ch
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