

發(fā)布時間:2018-08-22 08:33
【摘要】:目的: 通過展示我國2002-2010年瘧疾疫情時空演變,并分析近10年來瘧疾發(fā)病的時空分布特征,為我國消除瘧疾工作提供時空數(shù)據(jù)支持。 方法: 12002-2010年我國本地瘧疾疫情時空變化分析 1.1利用我國2002-2010年瘧疾疫情年報數(shù)據(jù)和期間全國行政區(qū)劃經(jīng)緯度、人口等數(shù)據(jù),通過ArcGIS軟件,整理年報數(shù)據(jù)并提取本地病例數(shù)據(jù)庫,并將其與全國行政區(qū)劃經(jīng)緯度、人口等數(shù)據(jù)庫根據(jù)相同字段進行連接,建立本地病例地理信息數(shù)據(jù)庫。 1.2在分析全國本地瘧疾發(fā)病率的發(fā)展變化趨勢基礎上,運用時間掃描統(tǒng)計量法探索本地瘧疾疫情的時間聚集性特征。 1.3利用ArcGIS10.0軟件的圖像渲染功能,按照WHO全球瘧疾報告的發(fā)病率分類標準,以可視化地圖展示全國范圍內(nèi)本地瘧疾病例不同發(fā)病率等級的分布,并進一步分析各等級縣、區(qū)空間分布變化。 1.4參考1.3的結果將2002-2010年瘧疾流行劃分的不同階段,將各個階段的全國本地瘧疾病例數(shù)據(jù)庫分別導入SaTScan9.1軟件進行空間掃描聚類分析,分析其演變趨勢,并對主要流行省份進行局部時空掃描聚類分析,探索小尺度下瘧疾疫情時空聚集區(qū)。 22002-2010年我國輸入瘧疾疫情時空變化分析 2.1利用我國2002-2010年瘧疾疫情年報數(shù)據(jù)和期間全國行政區(qū)劃經(jīng)緯度、人口等數(shù)據(jù),通過ArcGIS軟件,整理年報數(shù)據(jù)并提取輸入病例數(shù)據(jù)庫,并將其與全國行政區(qū)劃經(jīng)緯度、人口等數(shù)據(jù)庫根據(jù)相同字段進行連接,建立輸入病例地理信息數(shù)據(jù)庫。 2.2在分析全國輸入瘧疾發(fā)病率的發(fā)展變化趨勢的基礎上,運用時間掃描統(tǒng)計量法探索輸入疫情的時間聚集性特征。 2.3利用ArcGIS10.0軟件的圖像渲染功能,按照WHO全球瘧疾報告的發(fā)病率分類標準,顯示全國范圍內(nèi)輸入病例不同發(fā)病率等級的分布,并進一步分析各等級縣、區(qū)的空間分布變化。 2.4參考2.3的結果將2002-2010年瘧疾流行劃分的不同階段,將各個階段的全國輸入瘧疾病例數(shù)據(jù)庫分別導入SaTScan9.1軟件進行空間掃描聚類分析,分析其演變趨勢,并對主要流行的地區(qū)進行局部時空掃描聚類分析,探索小尺度下輸入瘧疾疫情的時空聚集區(qū)。 結果: 12002-2010年我國本地瘧疾疫情時空變化分析 1.12002-2010年全國本地瘧疾發(fā)病率的變化大致分為三個階段:2002-2004年、2005-2007年、2008-2010年,總體上呈穩(wěn)定-上升-下降的趨勢。時間掃描聚類分析結果顯示,2002-2010年全國本地瘧疾疫情在時間上并非隨機分布,而是呈明顯的聚集性。發(fā)病高峰時間為2006-2007年,年均發(fā)病率3.1/10萬,相對危險度為1.97,P值0.01。 1.2全國本地瘧疾疫情空間分布變化分為三個階段:2002-2004年、2005-2007年、2008-2010年。2002-2004年全國本地瘧疾發(fā)病率在千分之一以上的縣、區(qū)有73個,萬分之一至千分之一的有169個,零至萬分之一的有1166個。2005-2007年各等級縣、區(qū)數(shù)量變化不大,千分之一以上和零至萬分之一的縣、區(qū)數(shù)較上一階段分別下降2.7%和9.8%,萬分之一至千分之一增加2.4%。2008-2010年各等級縣區(qū)數(shù)量均有減少,較上一階段分別下降91.5%、30.6%和25.1%。全國本地瘧疾發(fā)病率與有本地瘧疾病例報告縣、區(qū)數(shù)的變化不一:2002-2004年兩者均在較高水平小幅波動,2005-2007年全國本地瘧疾發(fā)病率上升至高峰,但各個發(fā)病率等級的縣、區(qū)數(shù)波動不大,2008-2010年兩者均減少。 1.3空間聚類分析顯示,疫情集中于2005-2007年,而且地理上并非隨機分布,主要集中在云南、海南和安徽省?臻g聚集區(qū)在三個階段呈現(xiàn)出南部-中部-消散的演變趨勢。2002-2004年聚集區(qū)主要分布在云南西南、海南南部、安徽北部與河南湖北交界,其中南部聚集區(qū)的面積與發(fā)病率都超過中部,疫情較為嚴重,對全國疫情有主要影響,2005-2007年南部聚集區(qū)面積與發(fā)病率都降低,但安徽省北部聚集區(qū)面積與發(fā)病率均增大,全國疫情總體加重,疫情轉移至中部,2008-2010年各聚集區(qū)發(fā)病率降低,全國范圍內(nèi)疫情呈下降趨勢。時空掃描聚類分析顯示各聚集區(qū)均集中于2002-2008年,2009-2010年未發(fā)現(xiàn)新時空聚集區(qū)。其中云南省出現(xiàn)時空聚集區(qū)的時間為2002-2007年,包括30個縣、區(qū),主要分布于中緬邊境地區(qū);海南省出現(xiàn)時空聚集區(qū)的時間為2002-2005年,包括9個縣、區(qū),分布于海南島南部;安徽省出現(xiàn)時空聚集區(qū)的時間為2005-2008年,包括12個縣、區(qū),分布于安徽省北部。 2.2002-2010年我國輸入瘧疾疫情時空變化分析 2.12002-2010年全國輸入瘧疾發(fā)病率的變化大致分為三個階段:2002-2004年、2005-2007年、2008-2010年,發(fā)病率總體上呈穩(wěn)定-上升-下降的趨勢。時間掃描聚類分析結果顯示,2002-2010年全國輸入瘧疾病例在時間上并非隨機分布,而是呈明顯的聚集性。發(fā)病高峰時間為2005-2006年,年均發(fā)病率0.7/10萬,相對危險度為2.36,P值0.01。 2.2全國輸入瘧疾疫情空間分布變化分為三個階段:2002-2004年、2005-2007年、2008-2010年。2002-2004年全國輸入瘧疾發(fā)病率在千分之一以上的縣、區(qū)有9個,萬分之一至千分之一的有46個,零至萬分之一的有1209個。2005-2007年千分之一以上縣、區(qū)數(shù)增加88.9%,但全國有輸入瘧疾病例報告的縣、區(qū)數(shù)量總體變化不大。2008-2010年千分之一以上縣、區(qū)數(shù)減少52.9%,但全國有輸入瘧疾病例報告的縣、區(qū)數(shù)量仍無減少。全國輸入瘧疾發(fā)病率與有輸入瘧疾病例報告縣、區(qū)數(shù)的變化不一:2002-2004年兩者均處于小幅波動狀態(tài),2005-2007年全國輸入瘧疾發(fā)病率上升至高峰,千分之一以上縣數(shù)大幅增加,但有輸入瘧疾病例報告的縣數(shù)總體上變化不大,2008-2010年全國輸入瘧疾發(fā)病率下降,千分之一以上縣數(shù)同時減少,但有輸入瘧疾病例縣數(shù)仍沒有減少。 2.3空間聚類分析顯示,空間聚集區(qū)集中于2005-2007年,而且地理上并非隨機分布,主要集中在云南、湖南-貴州-廣西交界和浙江省,聚集區(qū)未出現(xiàn)明顯消散的趨勢。2002-2004年聚集區(qū)分布在云南西南、湖南貴州廣西交界和浙江省,云南西南部疫情對全國輸入瘧疾疫情有重要影響,2005-2007年云南省聚集區(qū)發(fā)病率增加,聚集程度上升,全國輸入瘧疾疫情上升,2008-2010年各聚集區(qū)發(fā)病率降低,但輸入性病例分布仍然廣泛。時空掃描聚類分析顯示各聚集區(qū)均發(fā)生于2002-2008年,2009-2010年未發(fā)現(xiàn)新時空聚集區(qū)。其中云南省有兩個時空聚集區(qū),一級聚集區(qū)位于云南省西部邊境,包括10個縣區(qū),時間為2004-2007年,二級聚集區(qū)位于云南省南部邊境,包括2個縣區(qū),時間為2002-2005年,湖南-貴州-廣西交界聚集區(qū)的時間為2002-2005年,包括79個縣區(qū),浙江省聚集區(qū)時間為2006-2008年,包括29各縣區(qū),分布于浙江省東部。 結論: 2002-2010年我國瘧疾傳播的時空演變分析結果,顯示我國本地瘧疾病例已經(jīng)無明顯聚集性分布特征。到2010年,全國70%以上縣、區(qū)已無本地病例,發(fā)病率下降至0.03/萬,瘧疾傳播得到了有效的控制,瘧防工作進入消除階段。但輸入病例報告地區(qū)不斷擴大,雖未出現(xiàn)聚集性分布,但仍應是瘧疾監(jiān)測工作的重點,以及時發(fā)現(xiàn)聚集性輸入病例,防止繼發(fā)傳播。
By showing the temporal and spatial evolution of malaria epidemic situation in China from 2002 to 2010, and analyzing the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of malaria incidence in recent 10 years, the spatial and temporal data for malaria eradication in China were provided.
Temporal and spatial variation of malaria in China during the past 12002-2010 years
1.1 Using the annual report data of malaria epidemic in China from 2002 to 2010 and the data of longitude, latitude and population of the national administrative divisions during the period of 2002-2010, the data of annual report are sorted out and the local case database is extracted by ArcGIS software. The data of local case geographic information is established by connecting the data with the national administrative divisions longitude, latitude and population database according to the same field. Treasury.
1.2 On the basis of analyzing the development trend of the incidence of malaria in China, the temporal clustering characteristics of local malaria epidemics were explored by using time scan statistics.
1.3 Using the image rendering function of ArcGIS 10.0 software, according to the WHO global malaria incidence classification standard, the distribution of different incidence levels of malaria cases in the whole country was displayed by visual map, and the spatial distribution changes of counties and districts were further analyzed.
1.4 Referring to the results of 1.3, the different stages of malaria epidemic from 2002 to 2010 were divided into different stages, and the national local malaria case database of each stage was imported into SaTScan 9.1 software for spatial scanning clustering analysis, and its evolution trend was analyzed. The main epidemic provinces were analyzed by local space-time scanning clustering analysis to explore the space-time of malaria epidemic in small-scale. Congregate area.
Analysis of spatial and temporal variations of malaria epidemic in China in 22002-2010 years
2.1 Using the data of annual report of malaria epidemic in China from 2002 to 2010 and the data of longitude, latitude and population of national administrative divisions during the period of 2002-2010, the data of annual report are sorted out and the case database is extracted by ArcGIS software. The data of geographical information of imported cases are established by connecting the data with the data of longitude, latitude and population of national administrative divisions according to the same field. Treasury.
2.2 On the basis of analyzing the developing trend of the incidence of imported malaria in China, the temporal clustering characteristics of imported malaria epidemics were explored by time scan statistics.
2.3 Using the image rendering function of ArcGIS 10.0 software, according to the WHO global malaria incidence classification standard, the distribution of different incidence levels of imported cases in China was displayed, and the spatial distribution of counties and districts in different levels was further analyzed.
2.4 Referring to the results of 2.3, the different stages of malaria epidemic from 2002 to 2010 were divided, and the national imported malaria case database of each stage was imported into SaTScan 9.1 software for spatial scanning clustering analysis to analyze its evolution trend, and the main epidemic areas were analyzed by local space-time scanning clustering analysis to explore the small-scale imported malaria epidemic. The temporal and spatial gathering area of love.
Temporal and spatial variation of malaria in China during the past 12002-2010 years
1.12002-2010, the incidence of malaria in China can be roughly divided into three stages: 2002-2004, 2005-2007, 2008-2010, the overall trend is stable-up-down. Time scan clustering analysis shows that the local malaria epidemic in China in 2002-2010 is not random distribution in time, but an obvious clustering. The peak time is 2006-2007 years, the annual incidence is 3.1/10 million, the relative risk is 1.97, and the P value is 0.01.
1.2 The spatial distribution of malaria epidemics in China can be divided into three stages: from 2002 to 2004, from 2005 to 2007, from 2008 to 2010. From 2002 to 2004, the incidence of malaria in China was more than one thousandth of the counties, 73 districts, 169 districts ranging from one thousandth to one thousandth, and 1166 counties ranging from 0 to one thousandth. The number of districts in large, over one thousandth and zero to one thousandth counties decreased by 2.7% and 9.8% respectively, and increased by 2.4% from one thousandth to one thousandth respectively. Differences: In 2002-2004, both of them fluctuated slightly at a higher level, and the incidence of malaria rose to a peak in 2005-2007. However, the number of districts fluctuated slightly in counties with different incidence levels, and both decreased in 2008-2010.
1.3 Spatial cluster analysis showed that the epidemic situation was concentrated in 2005-2007, and geographically non-random distribution, mainly concentrated in Yunnan, Hainan and Anhui provinces. In 2005-2007, the area and incidence of the southern agglomeration areas were reduced. However, the area and incidence of the northern agglomeration areas in Anhui Province were increased. The epidemic situation in the whole country was aggravated. The epidemic situation transferred to the central region. In 2008-2010, the incidence of the disease in the southern agglomeration areas decreased. The spatial-temporal cluster analysis showed that all the agglomeration areas were concentrated in 2002-2008, and no new spatial-temporal agglomeration areas were found in 2009-2010. The spatial-temporal agglomeration areas in Yunnan Province occurred in 2002-2007, including 30 counties and districts, mainly distributed in the border areas between China and Myanmar. The time of the area is from 2002 to 2005, including 9 counties and districts in the south of Hainan Island, and the time of the time and space gathering area in Anhui Province is from 2005 to 2008, including 12 counties and districts in the north of Anhui Province.
Temporal and spatial variation of malaria epidemic in China during 2.2002-2010
The incidence of imported malaria in China from 2002 to 2010 can be divided into three stages: 2002-2004, 2005-2007, 2008-2010. The overall incidence of imported malaria shows a stable-rising-decreasing trend. Time scan cluster analysis shows that the imported malaria cases in China from 2002 to 2010 are not randomly distributed in time, but are obviously clustered. The peak time was 2005-2006 years. The annual incidence rate was 0.7/10 million, the relative risk was 2.36, and the P value was 0.01.
2.2 The spatial distribution of imported malaria in China is divided into three stages: from 2002 to 2004, from 2005 to 2007, from 2008 to 2010. From 2002 to 2004, the incidence of imported malaria in China was more than one-thousandth of the counties, there were 9 districts, 46 districts ranging from one-thousandth to one-thousandth, and 1209 districts ranging from zero to one-thousandth. The total number of counties with imported malaria cases reported in China has not changed much. From 2008 to 2010, the number of counties with imported malaria cases decreased by 52.9%, but the number of counties with imported malaria cases reported in China has not decreased. The incidence of imported malaria in China rose to a peak from 2005 to 2007, and the number of counties with more than one thousand imported malaria cases increased greatly. However, the number of counties with imported malaria cases reported did not change much. The incidence of imported malaria in China decreased from 2008 to 2010, and the number of counties with more than one thousand imported malaria cases decreased at the same time. No reduction has been made.
2.3 Spatial cluster analysis showed that the spatial agglomeration areas were concentrated in 2005-2007, and geographically non-random distribution, mainly concentrated in Yunnan, Hunan-Guizhou-Guangxi border and Zhejiang Province, the agglomeration areas did not show a significant trend of dissipation. 2002-2004, the agglomeration areas were distributed in southwestern Yunnan, Hunan-Guizhou-Guangxi border and Zhejiang Province, southwestern Yunnan epidemic. The incidence of imported malaria in Yunnan Province increased from 2005 to 2007, the degree of aggregation increased, the incidence of imported malaria increased, the incidence of imported malaria decreased from 2008 to 2010, but the distribution of imported cases was still widespread. There are two space-time agglomeration areas in Yunnan Province. The first-class agglomeration area is located in the western border of Yunnan Province, including 10 counties. The second-class agglomeration area is located in the southern border of Yunnan Province, including 2 counties. The time of 2002-2005 is Hunan-Guizhou-Guangxi border agglomeration area, including 2002-2005. The 79 counties and districts in Zhejiang province are 2006-2008 years, including 29 counties and districts, which are distributed in the eastern part of Zhejiang province.
The spatial and temporal evolution of malaria transmission in China from 2002 to 2010 shows that there is no obvious clustering distribution of local malaria cases in China. By 2010, more than 70% of counties and districts in China have no local malaria cases, the incidence rate has dropped to 0.03/10,000, malaria transmission has been effectively controlled and malaria prevention has entered the elimination stage. Although there is no aggregate distribution in the area, it should be the focus of malaria surveillance and timely detection of aggregated imported cases to prevent secondary transmission.


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