代寫香港留學(xué)生作業(yè):檢測(cè)激光雷達(dá)的自主專利技術(shù)Our Own Patented Technology of Detect
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-09-19 14:20
There was an interesting story about radar happened in long time ago. A radar army stationed in a remote village, and at the very start, the thief always stole vegetables from the army. So the commanding officer told the entire villager he knew someone always stole vegetables from the army because the radar can detect everything, and he hoped that nothing like this would happen again. Gradually, the village became harmonious and had a good atmosphere. One day, the sorority director met the commanding officer bashfully. She told the officer that there was a new couple would go into the bride’s room tonight, but the bride was shy because the omnipotent radar. Radar is enough to create understandings. So, what is radar? What is the function of radar? Maybe many of us cannot answer the question completely.
The atmosphere section is difficult to detect, because this atmosphere section is extremely pure and there is no aerosol. Detecting laser radar is the most effective measure to detect this atmosphere section.
What is the principle of detecting laser radar? It is formed by three parts: launching laser, using optical telescope to receipt, and using echo signal to detect. The differences are that the energy of laser is stronger than ordinary radar and the sensitivity is higher than ordinary radar1.
The detecting laser radar is invented by Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Mathematical Sciences Institute in Wuhan city plays an important role in the invention, and the invention of detecting laser radar is our own patented technology absolutely. A model was firstly presented by a member of the Mathematical Sciences Institute. And a solution was gotten, which can represent density distribution by the data obtained from the detecting laser radar. So we can obtain accurate and reliable measurement data from the detecting laser radar. The solution is obtained from multiple experiments and discussions. There are many factors should be considered, just as amplitudes, the width of the detecting laser radar and different pulses2.These factors are very important for the design and improvement of the laser radar.
The international technology of laser radar also is very advanced. The international studies of radar have shown great growth in the last 20 years. The growth is multiple and variortainty distribution of direct-detection laser radar with a peak-detecting routine’. Volume 124, Issue 21, November 2013, Pages 5202–5205.
2. Jiang Haijiao, Lai Jiancheng, Yan Wei,Wang Chunyong, Li Zhenhua. February 2013. ‘Theoretical distribution of range data obtained by laser radar and its applications’. Volume 45, February 2013, Pages 278–284.
3. W.K. Hocking. June 2011. ‘A review of Mesosphere–Stratosphere–Troposphere (MST) radar developments and studies, circa 1997–2008’. Volume 73, Issue 9, June 2011, Pages 848–882
4. Luo Guo Zhen, Liu Run Ze. 15 March 2000. ‘Non-aerospace application of Ti materials with a great many social and economic benefits in China’. Volume 280, Issue 1, 15 March 2000, Pages 25–29
5. Xue Yali. August 2008. ‘Trajectory Linearization Control of An Aerospace Vehicle Based on RBF Neural Network’. Volume 19, Issue 4, August 2008, Pages 799–805.