發(fā)布時間:2022-01-11 02:32
基督教與佛教、伊斯蘭教并稱世界三大宗教。至今,除日本外的主要發(fā)達國家都是基督教文化主導的國家。20世紀,除了南美、非洲、亞洲的韓國等地,中國也是基督徒人數(shù)增長最快的地區(qū)和國家之一;浇痰闹饕顒又弧嫉兰捌淇谧g對其傳播起到了重要作用。盡管如此,目前學術界主要局限于基督教文獻筆譯研究,口譯研究較少。本報告基于模擬英漢交傳實踐報告,材料來源于約翰·派博(John Piper)牧師在2019福音聯(lián)盟全國大會上的布道。在此背景下,本報告以此次布道為翻譯素材,以口譯的形式對福音相關的基督教教義進行闡述,觀點鮮明,具有應用與研究價值。本報告以釋意理論為理論基礎,對模擬交傳過程中出現(xiàn)的譯文非流利性、非連貫性、僵硬拗口、信息缺失、情感對等缺失、不當暫停、有聲停頓進行分析,對布道中的經文引用、書面表達等難點,在譯前準備、譯中分析方面提出了指導意見,并提出應采用增譯、減譯技巧。本報告結合理論與實踐,旨在肯定釋意理論在布道交替?zhèn)髯g中的應用;但同時,報告也提出“翻譯發(fā)言人和翻譯信息的平衡”,旨在彌補釋意理論在布道交替?zhèn)髯g中對發(fā)言人強調不夠的局限。
【文章頁數(shù)】:113 頁
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research background and significance
1.2 About the preacher and sermon
1.3 Structure of the report
Chapter Two The Interpretive Theory and the Triangle Model of Interpreting
2.1 A brief introduction to the Interpretive Theory
2.2 Triangle Model of the Interpretive Theory
Chapter Three Task Description
3.1 Timetable of the task
3.2 Pre-interpreting preparation
3.2.1 Background information
3.2.2 Glossary and Bible verses
3.2.3 Equipment
3.2.4 Practice before interpreting
3.2.5 Summary of pre-interpreting preparation
3.3 During-interpreting process
3.3.1 Interpreting with note-taking
3.3.2 Feedback during the halftime
3.3.3 Interpreting without note-taking
3.3.4 Insights into the interpreting process
3.4 Post-interpreting assessment
3.4.1 Self-assessment
3.4.2 Audience comments
Chapter Four Difficulties and Solutions
4.1 Problems
4.1.1 Dis-fluency
4.1.2 In-cohesion
4.1.3 Clumsy expression
4.1.4 Information loss
4.1.5 Emotional in-equivalence
4.1.6 Inappropriate pauses
4.1.7 Fillers and pet phrases
4.2 Solutions
4.2.1 Preparation based on outlines and of Bible verses
4.2.2 Deliberate analysis
4.2.3 Addition
4.2.4 Omission
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Summary of the report
5.2 Findings
5.3 Limitations of this report
5.4 Suggestions for further research
Appendix Ⅰ Evaluation Scale A
Appendix Ⅱ Evaluation Scale B
Appendix Ⅲ Glossary
Appendix Ⅳ Transcription
[1]英美文學作品中圣經引文的漢譯問題[J]. 曹明倫. 四川大學學報(哲學社會科學版). 2018(02)
[2]巴黎釋意學派口譯過程三角模型研究[J]. 張吉良. 外語教學理論與實踐. 2011(02)
[3]中國大學生漢英口譯非流利現(xiàn)象研究[J]. 戴朝暉. 上海翻譯. 2011(01)
[4]話語標記與口頭禪——以“然后”和“但是”為例[J]. 馬國彥. 語言教學與研究. 2010(04)
[5]奈達與紐馬克翻譯理論比較[J]. 林克難. 中國翻譯. 1992(06)
【文章頁數(shù)】:113 頁
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research background and significance
1.2 About the preacher and sermon
1.3 Structure of the report
Chapter Two The Interpretive Theory and the Triangle Model of Interpreting
2.1 A brief introduction to the Interpretive Theory
2.2 Triangle Model of the Interpretive Theory
Chapter Three Task Description
3.1 Timetable of the task
3.2 Pre-interpreting preparation
3.2.1 Background information
3.2.2 Glossary and Bible verses
3.2.3 Equipment
3.2.4 Practice before interpreting
3.2.5 Summary of pre-interpreting preparation
3.3 During-interpreting process
3.3.1 Interpreting with note-taking
3.3.2 Feedback during the halftime
3.3.3 Interpreting without note-taking
3.3.4 Insights into the interpreting process
3.4 Post-interpreting assessment
3.4.1 Self-assessment
3.4.2 Audience comments
Chapter Four Difficulties and Solutions
4.1 Problems
4.1.1 Dis-fluency
4.1.2 In-cohesion
4.1.3 Clumsy expression
4.1.4 Information loss
4.1.5 Emotional in-equivalence
4.1.6 Inappropriate pauses
4.1.7 Fillers and pet phrases
4.2 Solutions
4.2.1 Preparation based on outlines and of Bible verses
4.2.2 Deliberate analysis
4.2.3 Addition
4.2.4 Omission
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Summary of the report
5.2 Findings
5.3 Limitations of this report
5.4 Suggestions for further research
Appendix Ⅰ Evaluation Scale A
Appendix Ⅱ Evaluation Scale B
Appendix Ⅲ Glossary
Appendix Ⅳ Transcription
[1]英美文學作品中圣經引文的漢譯問題[J]. 曹明倫. 四川大學學報(哲學社會科學版). 2018(02)
[2]巴黎釋意學派口譯過程三角模型研究[J]. 張吉良. 外語教學理論與實踐. 2011(02)
[3]中國大學生漢英口譯非流利現(xiàn)象研究[J]. 戴朝暉. 上海翻譯. 2011(01)
[4]話語標記與口頭禪——以“然后”和“但是”為例[J]. 馬國彥. 語言教學與研究. 2010(04)
[5]奈達與紐馬克翻譯理論比較[J]. 林克難. 中國翻譯. 1992(06)