發(fā)布時間:2021-08-14 16:24
【文章頁數】:114 頁
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research
1.3 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Teacher Talk
2.1.1 The Definition of Teacher Talk
2.1.2 The Features of Teacher Talk
2.1.3 Teacher Talk and Learning Opportunities
2.2 Novice English Teacher Professional Development
2.2.1 The Definition of Novice Teacher
2.2.2 A Gap between Theoretical Research and Professional Practice
2.2.3 Teacher Talk and Teacher Development
2.3 Classroom Interaction
2.3.1 The Nature of Classroom Interaction
2.3.2 Classroom Interactional Competence (CIC)
2.3.3 The Features of CIC
2.3.4 CIC and Teacher Development
2.4 SETT Framework and Critical Reflective Practice
2.4.1 Modes
2.4.2 Interactional Features
2.4.3 The Use of the SETT Framework
2.4.4 Critical Reflective Practice Cycle through the SETT Framework
2.5 Relevant Studies of Teacher Talk and Classroom Interaction
2.5.1 Relevant Studies Abroad
2.5.2 Relevant Studies at Home
Chapter 3 Research Methodology
3.1 Research Contents
3.2 Research Questions
3.3 Research Participants
3.4 Research Methods and Instruments
3.4.1 Video Recording and Transcription
3.4.2 SETT Framework and Key
3.4.3 Stimulated Recall Procedure
3.4.4 Reflective Diaries
3.4.5 Semi-structured Interviews
3.4.6 Data Collection Procedures
3.5 Data Analysis Procedures
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Summary of Novice Teachers' Lesson Observations
4.2 Analysis of Modes and Interactional Features
4.2.1 Distribution of Four Modes
4.2.2 Identification of Modes
4.2.3 Identification of Interactional Features
4.2.4 Constructive or Obstructive Features of Teacher Talk
4.3 The Novice Teacher's Perceptions of the SETT RP Cycle
4.3.1 Perceptions of the SETT Framework
4.3.2 Perceptions of the Reflective Practice
4.3.3 Challenges Confronted
4.4 The Effects of SETT RP Cycle on the Novice Teachers' ProfessionalDevelopment
4.4.1 The Increased Awareness in Teaching
4.4.2 The Evidence of the Professional Development
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
5.1.1 The Distribution of Modes and Interactional Features
5.1.2 The Relationship Between Teacher talk and Learning Potential
5.1.3 Teacher Professional Development Through the SETT RP Cycle
5.2 Implications for Teaching and Teacher Education
5.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research
Appendix A Instructions for Using the SETT Framework
Appendix B Transcription Analysis
Appendix C Participants Training Handbook
[1]動態(tài)語境中的英語課堂互動話語模式[J]. 李秀. 教學與管理. 2017(27)
[2]《課堂話語和教師發(fā)展》述評[J]. 劉文靜. 英語教師. 2017(04)
[3]從中學英語教師話語處理看課堂互動[J]. 海春花,王紅香,張懷斌,張立昌. 教學與管理. 2016(21)
[4]基于SETT框架英語教師課堂話語互動策略探究[J]. 周家文. 外語藝術教育研究. 2016(02)
[5]通過課堂話語分析促進外語教師學習:一項實證案例研究[J]. 張蓮,王艷. 外語與外語教學. 2014(03)
[6]二語課堂互動話語中教師“支架”的構建[J]. 李丹麗. 外語教學與研究. 2012(04)
[7]試論職前英語教師的專業(yè)發(fā)展——同伴錄像在免費師范生教育實習中的有效應用[J]. 鄧曉芳,劉芝花. 西南師范大學學報(自然科學版). 2011(05)
[8]“課堂互動”研究:意蘊與課題[J]. 鐘啟泉. 教育研究. 2010(10)
[9]優(yōu)秀英語教師課堂話語特征分析[J]. 胡青球. 山東外語教學. 2007(01)
[10]課堂話語微觀分析:理論,方法與實踐[J]. 黃小蘋. 外語研究. 2006(05)
【文章頁數】:114 頁
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research
1.3 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Teacher Talk
2.1.1 The Definition of Teacher Talk
2.1.2 The Features of Teacher Talk
2.1.3 Teacher Talk and Learning Opportunities
2.2 Novice English Teacher Professional Development
2.2.1 The Definition of Novice Teacher
2.2.2 A Gap between Theoretical Research and Professional Practice
2.2.3 Teacher Talk and Teacher Development
2.3 Classroom Interaction
2.3.1 The Nature of Classroom Interaction
2.3.2 Classroom Interactional Competence (CIC)
2.3.3 The Features of CIC
2.3.4 CIC and Teacher Development
2.4 SETT Framework and Critical Reflective Practice
2.4.1 Modes
2.4.2 Interactional Features
2.4.3 The Use of the SETT Framework
2.4.4 Critical Reflective Practice Cycle through the SETT Framework
2.5 Relevant Studies of Teacher Talk and Classroom Interaction
2.5.1 Relevant Studies Abroad
2.5.2 Relevant Studies at Home
Chapter 3 Research Methodology
3.1 Research Contents
3.2 Research Questions
3.3 Research Participants
3.4 Research Methods and Instruments
3.4.1 Video Recording and Transcription
3.4.2 SETT Framework and Key
3.4.3 Stimulated Recall Procedure
3.4.4 Reflective Diaries
3.4.5 Semi-structured Interviews
3.4.6 Data Collection Procedures
3.5 Data Analysis Procedures
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Summary of Novice Teachers' Lesson Observations
4.2 Analysis of Modes and Interactional Features
4.2.1 Distribution of Four Modes
4.2.2 Identification of Modes
4.2.3 Identification of Interactional Features
4.2.4 Constructive or Obstructive Features of Teacher Talk
4.3 The Novice Teacher's Perceptions of the SETT RP Cycle
4.3.1 Perceptions of the SETT Framework
4.3.2 Perceptions of the Reflective Practice
4.3.3 Challenges Confronted
4.4 The Effects of SETT RP Cycle on the Novice Teachers' ProfessionalDevelopment
4.4.1 The Increased Awareness in Teaching
4.4.2 The Evidence of the Professional Development
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
5.1.1 The Distribution of Modes and Interactional Features
5.1.2 The Relationship Between Teacher talk and Learning Potential
5.1.3 Teacher Professional Development Through the SETT RP Cycle
5.2 Implications for Teaching and Teacher Education
5.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research
Appendix A Instructions for Using the SETT Framework
Appendix B Transcription Analysis
Appendix C Participants Training Handbook
[1]動態(tài)語境中的英語課堂互動話語模式[J]. 李秀. 教學與管理. 2017(27)
[2]《課堂話語和教師發(fā)展》述評[J]. 劉文靜. 英語教師. 2017(04)
[3]從中學英語教師話語處理看課堂互動[J]. 海春花,王紅香,張懷斌,張立昌. 教學與管理. 2016(21)
[4]基于SETT框架英語教師課堂話語互動策略探究[J]. 周家文. 外語藝術教育研究. 2016(02)
[5]通過課堂話語分析促進外語教師學習:一項實證案例研究[J]. 張蓮,王艷. 外語與外語教學. 2014(03)
[6]二語課堂互動話語中教師“支架”的構建[J]. 李丹麗. 外語教學與研究. 2012(04)
[7]試論職前英語教師的專業(yè)發(fā)展——同伴錄像在免費師范生教育實習中的有效應用[J]. 鄧曉芳,劉芝花. 西南師范大學學報(自然科學版). 2011(05)
[8]“課堂互動”研究:意蘊與課題[J]. 鐘啟泉. 教育研究. 2010(10)
[9]優(yōu)秀英語教師課堂話語特征分析[J]. 胡青球. 山東外語教學. 2007(01)
[10]課堂話語微觀分析:理論,方法與實踐[J]. 黃小蘋. 外語研究. 2006(05)