The Impact of Social Media on Voting Realignment in Ghana
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-03-27 18:59
【文章頁(yè)數(shù)】:189 頁(yè)
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Research questions
1.4 Research objectives
1.5 Structure/Organization of the dissertation
1.6 Contributions
Chapter2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Core concepts
2.3 Challenges and problems with existing interventions of literature review
2.4 The five-level QDA
2.4.1 Two levels of strategies:objectives and analytic plan
2.4.2 Two levels of tactics:identifying software features
2.4.3 Translation
2.4.4 The translation process for the literature review
2.5 Organising data sources
2.6 Codebook for translation
2.7 Methodology
2.7.1 Research context
2.7.2 Data collection
2.8 Findings and discussion
2.8.1 Challenges of literature review
2.8.2 Most common literature review procedures and QDA
2.8.3 Why are the respondents not using QDA?
2.9 Post-test analysis
2.10 Conclusion
2.11 Chapter summary
Chapter3 Social Media and Politics
3.1 Dimensions:positive and negative
3.2 Voting realignment(VR)
3.3 Online political participation(ONPP)
3.4 Offline political participation(OFPP)
3.5 Connectedness with social activists(CWSA)via social media and voting
3.6 Political affect(PA)and political disposition(PD)
3.7 About Ghana
3.7.1 Overview
3.7.2 Contextualizing voting realignments
3.7.3 Political culture
3.7.4 Communication and participation
3.7.5 Internet and social media connectivity
3.8 Other studies
3.9 Sustainable governance
3.9.1 Sustainable governance and social media
3.9.2 Sustainable governance and SM in Ghana
3.9.3 The extent of collaboration between the foremost Political Leaders in Ghana
3.9.4 Implication of collaboration
3.10 Chapter summary
Chapter4 Research Methodology
4.1 Research philosophy and approaches to theory development
4.1.1 Philosophy
4.1.2 Objectivism–subjectivism dimensions
4.1.3 Research paradigms
4.2 Research design
4.2.1 Methodological choice
4.2.2 Research strategy
4.2.3 The population of the study
4.2.4 Questionnaire development
4.2.5 Research model
4.3 Chapter summary
Chapter5 Data Analysis and Results
5.1 Data preprocessing
5.2 Sample description
5.3 Measurement model
5.4 Structural equation modelling
5.5 Common method variance(CMV)
5.6 Multi-group analysis
5.7 Chapter summary
Chapter6 Discussion
6.1 Religious distribution
6.2 Gender distribution
6.3 Age distribution
6.4 Preferred social media sites in Ghana
6.5 Time spent online
6.6 Online political participation and connections with social media activists on voting realignments
6.7 Political affect,political disposition,and time online on voting realignments
6.8 Multi-group analysis:gender,Whats App and Facebook,and religion
6.9 Chapter summary
Chapter7 Conclusion
7.1 Implications of the study
7.2 Limitations and future research
Appendix1:Supplementary files and their titles
Appendix2:Post-test questionnaire for chapter
Appendix3:Results of regression analysis– coefficients for chapter
Appendix4:Measurement model assessment
Appendix5:Comparison of models– gender,structural equation modeling
Appendix6:Multigroup analysis for preferred social media platform- Structural equation modeling
Appendix7:Uni-and multivariate normality assessment
Appendix8:Model specification for the structural equation modelling
Appendix9:Non-parametric analysis for compare gender influence on the latent variable scores
Appendix10:Normality test of data
Research Results Obtained during the Study for Doctoral Degree
【文章頁(yè)數(shù)】:189 頁(yè)
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Research questions
1.4 Research objectives
1.5 Structure/Organization of the dissertation
1.6 Contributions
Chapter2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Core concepts
2.3 Challenges and problems with existing interventions of literature review
2.4 The five-level QDA
2.4.1 Two levels of strategies:objectives and analytic plan
2.4.2 Two levels of tactics:identifying software features
2.4.3 Translation
2.4.4 The translation process for the literature review
2.5 Organising data sources
2.6 Codebook for translation
2.7 Methodology
2.7.1 Research context
2.7.2 Data collection
2.8 Findings and discussion
2.8.1 Challenges of literature review
2.8.2 Most common literature review procedures and QDA
2.8.3 Why are the respondents not using QDA?
2.9 Post-test analysis
2.10 Conclusion
2.11 Chapter summary
Chapter3 Social Media and Politics
3.1 Dimensions:positive and negative
3.2 Voting realignment(VR)
3.3 Online political participation(ONPP)
3.4 Offline political participation(OFPP)
3.5 Connectedness with social activists(CWSA)via social media and voting
3.6 Political affect(PA)and political disposition(PD)
3.7 About Ghana
3.7.1 Overview
3.7.2 Contextualizing voting realignments
3.7.3 Political culture
3.7.4 Communication and participation
3.7.5 Internet and social media connectivity
3.8 Other studies
3.9 Sustainable governance
3.9.1 Sustainable governance and social media
3.9.2 Sustainable governance and SM in Ghana
3.9.3 The extent of collaboration between the foremost Political Leaders in Ghana
3.9.4 Implication of collaboration
3.10 Chapter summary
Chapter4 Research Methodology
4.1 Research philosophy and approaches to theory development
4.1.1 Philosophy
4.1.2 Objectivism–subjectivism dimensions
4.1.3 Research paradigms
4.2 Research design
4.2.1 Methodological choice
4.2.2 Research strategy
4.2.3 The population of the study
4.2.4 Questionnaire development
4.2.5 Research model
4.3 Chapter summary
Chapter5 Data Analysis and Results
5.1 Data preprocessing
5.2 Sample description
5.3 Measurement model
5.4 Structural equation modelling
5.5 Common method variance(CMV)
5.6 Multi-group analysis
5.7 Chapter summary
Chapter6 Discussion
6.1 Religious distribution
6.2 Gender distribution
6.3 Age distribution
6.4 Preferred social media sites in Ghana
6.5 Time spent online
6.6 Online political participation and connections with social media activists on voting realignments
6.7 Political affect,political disposition,and time online on voting realignments
6.8 Multi-group analysis:gender,Whats App and Facebook,and religion
6.9 Chapter summary
Chapter7 Conclusion
7.1 Implications of the study
7.2 Limitations and future research
Appendix1:Supplementary files and their titles
Appendix2:Post-test questionnaire for chapter
Appendix3:Results of regression analysis– coefficients for chapter
Appendix4:Measurement model assessment
Appendix5:Comparison of models– gender,structural equation modeling
Appendix6:Multigroup analysis for preferred social media platform- Structural equation modeling
Appendix7:Uni-and multivariate normality assessment
Appendix8:Model specification for the structural equation modelling
Appendix9:Non-parametric analysis for compare gender influence on the latent variable scores
Appendix10:Normality test of data
Research Results Obtained during the Study for Doctoral Degree