Efficiency Evaluation for the Financing Way of Small and Med
《Value Engineering》 2014-17
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Efficiency Evaluation for the Financing Way of Small and Medium-sized High-tech Enterprises and Policy Proposals
LIU Qi-ming;China Sinopec Shengli Petroleum Engineering Co.,Ltd.Bohai Drilling Company;
The shortage of funds has long-term hindered the high-growth in development of Chinese small and medium-sized hightech enterprises.With actively widen and innovation various financing channels,the government should guide to encourage and support the priority development of effective financing ways through policy.Based on the analysis of the small and medium-sized high-tech enterprises financing way and efficiency influence factors,this paper uses fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate and compare different financing ways of financing efficiency,and then according to the evaluation conclusion puts forward several policy proposals that giving priority to encourage enterprise internal financing,strengthen the government fund support and accelerate the development of other efficient financing way,which based on building a diversified financing system.
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