macroeconomic conditions, financial constraints, cash holdin
Macroeconomic Conditions, Financial Constraints and Cash Holdings
[1] [2] [3]
Gu Naikang Wan Xiaoyong Chen Hui
[1]中山大學管理學院; [2]廣東金融學院金融系
Abstr:On the basis of data of listed companies from Shanghai stock market and Shenzhen stock market from 2000 to 2007, this paper explores the relationship between macroeconomic conditions and cash holdings. It shows that cash holdings is significantly negative relation with macroeconomic conditions, which means that firm cash holdings is less when macro-economy conditions is more favorable. Cash holdings is significantly negative related with economic cycle, credit scale and stock market performance, significantly positive related with credit default risk. It indicates that firms hold less cash when economy is in ascending period, credit scale is bigger or stock market performance is better, and the firms hold more cash when credit default risk is higher. The relation between cash holdings and macroeconomic conditions shows the differences from financial constraints. The cash holdings of firms with strong financial constraints are more sensitive to the changes of macroeconomic conditions.
Keyword::macroeconomic conditions, financial constraints, cash holdings
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