capital flow international trade domestic price knock
The Knock-on Effects of International Capital Flow and International Trade on Domestic Prices: Research Based on Different Exchange Rate Mechanisms and Macroeconomic Environm
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LING Jiang-huai, LI Chang-hong (School of Economics & Management, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China)
Abstr:Under the condition of open economy, the relationship be- tween international capital flow and international trade is more and more closely related to domestic prices. Based on different exchange rate mecha- nisms and macroeconomic environment, this paper studies the knock-on effects of international capital flow and international trade on domestic prices from 1994 to 2011 which is divided into four stages. It indicates that under different exchange rate mechanisms and macroeconomic environment, inter- national capital flow and international trade have different knock-on effects on domestic prices. On the whole, in comparison to international trade, the knock-on effect of international capital flow on domestic prices has an in- creasing trend. Therefore, when formulating a macroeconomic policy, gov- ernments should take into account not only the effects of international capital flow and international trade on domestic prices but also then exchange rate mechanisms and macroeconomic environment.
Keyword::capital flow international trade domestic price knock-on effect