TFP in service industries FDI in service industries Firm het
Firm Heterogeneity, TFP and FDI in Services: An Empirical Test Based on Data from Service Industries and Firms
CHEN Jing-hua
Abstr:This paper uses panel data of service industries in China and cross-sectional data of the world' s largest multinational services corporation to analyze the effects of total factor productivity (TFP) on foreign direct investment in services, and tests the applicability of the heterogeneous firm trade theory in services. The results show that the TFP of services is an important factor for FDI in service industries, and the heterogeneous firm trade theory can be applied to the study of service firms. Meanwhile, "productivity paradox" which exists in FDI of manufacturing firms, however, is not found in FDI of service firm. In addition, there is a common characteristic of multinational service corporations similar to that of multinational manufacturing firms: the larger the firm size and the richer the firm' s multinational experiences, the larger the scale of FDI in service firms. Further reference for OFDI of China' s service firms is proposed based on the empirical results.
Keyword::TFP in service industries FDI in service industries Firm hetero-geneity