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發(fā)布時間:2018-09-03 09:13
【摘要】:第一部分包含種植體的顱面三維有限元模型的建立目的:建立包含顱面骨骼、骨縫、牙齒和種植體的顱面三維有限元模型。方法:選擇一完整8歲男性尸體的頭顱標本,通過螺旋CT掃描獲得兒童頭部二維圖像原始DICOM數(shù)據(jù),用Mimics 10.0生成顱面骨骼、骨縫、牙齒和種植體的3D模型,通過Geomagic 9.0軟件生成相應實體模型,以IGES格式儲存。將獲得的IGES格式文件按XYZ坐標系導入Abaqus 12.0軟件,設置模型網(wǎng)格單元參數(shù),含有顱面骨骼、九條骨縫、八顆牙齒和種植體的顱面三維有限元模型建立完成。結果:建立了包含顱面骨骼、骨縫、牙齒和種植體的顱面三維有限元模型,共劃分657,594個單元和990,460個節(jié)點,具有較高的幾何相似性。第二部分不同牽引位點對骨性支抗上頜前方牽引應力分布的影響目的:采用生物力學方法分析不同牽引位點對骨性支抗前牽引上頜治療骨性III類錯鄈應力分布的影響,尋找面中份發(fā)育不足的骨性Ⅲ類錯鄈畸形前牽引矯治的最佳牽引位點。方法:利用Abaqus 12.0軟件模擬上頜前方牽引的邊界條件,在枕骨大孔周圍施加位移邊界條件,設定模型材料參數(shù),根據(jù)臨床常用的下述種植體植入部位設定牽引位點,共分四種工況,工況1:乳側切牙牙冠遠中面遠中2mm與頸緣齦向5mm交點處牙槽骨;工況2:第一乳磨牙牙冠近中面近中2mm與頸緣齦向5mm交點處牙槽骨;工況3:第一磨牙牙冠近中面近中2mm與頸緣齦向5mm交點處牙槽骨;工況4:第一磨牙牙冠遠中面遠中2mm與頸緣齦向5mm交點處牙槽骨。采用500g/側的載荷,與鄈平面前下成角30°,對已建模型進行力量加載。分析比較在不同牽引位點的前牽引力作用下各骨骼、骨縫及牙齒的應力分布,各骨縫及全顱骨的位移趨勢,計算Von Mises等效應力并繪制應力分布云圖和位移趨勢圖。結果:1不同牽引位點下各骨縫應力分布特征如下:(1)額頜縫:應力分布以前中2/3部分較為集中,最大應力值均體現(xiàn)在該骨縫前緣。在工況2中,額頜縫應力值最大,應力值范圍為2.819×10-2-1.477×10-3mpa。(2)鼻頜縫:在工況1和工況2中,鼻頜縫應力主要集中于上緣和后下緣;在工況3和工況4中,應力分布較為均勻。但在四種工況中,最大應力值均集中于該骨縫的上緣。鼻頜縫應力值在工況1中最大,應力值范圍為9.24×10-4-5.296×10-6mpa。(3)顴頜縫:在工況1和工況2中,應力主要集中于前緣,但工況1中范圍較大;在工況3中,主要集中于后下部分;在工況4中,主要集中于后緣,且分布較為均勻。顴頜縫的應力值在工況4中最大,應力值范圍為1.313×10-2-3.947×10-4mpa。(4)顴額縫:應力主要集中于骨縫邊緣,在工況1、2中比3、4中范圍稍大,在工況3和工況4中分布相對均勻。顴額縫的應力值在工況4中最大,應力值范圍為3.169×10-2-4.952×10-4mpa。(5)顴顳縫:應力分布主要集中于下緣和外側緣,其中下緣處應力最大。該骨縫在工況3中應力值最大,為1.587×10-2-1.148×10-3mpa,在工況4中應力值次之,為1.367×10-2-1.129×10-3mpa。(6)腭中縫:各工況中腭中縫應力分布較為均勻,在工況1中其應力值最大,為7.300×10-4-6.479×10-6mpa,但相較于其他骨縫偏小。2不同牽引位點下牙齒應力分布特征如下:(1)第一磨牙:在工況1和工況2中,第一磨牙應力分布較為均勻,最大應力位于其近中面牙頸部。在工況3中,應力集中分布于近中面冠根交界處,在工況4中,應力集中分布于遠中面根尖1/3處。第一磨牙在工況3中應力值最大,最大應力值為2.03×10-1mpa。(2)第一乳磨牙:在工況1中,第一乳磨牙最大應力集中于腭根根尖1/3處;在工況2中,最大應力集中于腭根靠近根分叉處。在工況3和工況4中,應力集中分布于遠中頰根,最大應力分布于根尖部位。第一乳磨牙在工況2中應力值最大,應力值范圍為1.061×10-1-4.048×10-4mpa。(3)中切牙、乳側切牙:在工況1中中切牙應力分布較為均勻;在工況2、3、4中應力集中分布于中切牙根尖2/3。中切牙在工況1中應力值最大,應力值范圍為1.815×10-2-2.649×10-7mpa。3不同牽引位點下全顱骨的應力分布特征如下:各工況條件下,載荷加載部位(種植體、眉弓、顳下頜關節(jié)窩)周圍有明顯的應力分布。此外,在工況1中應力出現(xiàn)明顯的集中分布,包括鼻梁、鼻背、鼻翼外側部,并到達鼻額-額頜縫。在工況2、3、4中應力分布主要集中于鼻背兩側及鼻翼外側部。工況1、2、3中應力集中分布區(qū)域逐漸減小,工況4中又逐漸增大。4不同牽引位點下各骨縫的位移趨勢如下:額頜縫前部、鼻頜縫前部、顴頜縫前部、顴額縫前上部、腭中縫前部的位移趨勢較大,同一骨縫在各工況下位移趨勢大致相同。在工況1、2、3中顴顳縫上部的位移趨勢較大;在工況4中,顴顳縫上部及外側緣的位移趨勢較大。5不同牽引位點下全顱骨的位移趨勢如下:矢狀方向上面部以向前的位移趨勢為主,自上前牙切緣至顱骨頂端向前的位移趨勢逐漸減小,逐漸轉換為向后的位移趨勢。四種工況比較,鼻根部及鼻背部向前的位移趨勢逐漸減小,牙槽突向前的位移趨勢逐漸增大。垂直方向上面部主要表現(xiàn)為向上的位移趨勢,四種工況中牙齒及牙槽突向上的位移趨勢在工況1中最小。結論:1建立了包含顱面骨骼、骨縫、牙齒和種植體的顱面三維有限元模型,該模型精確度高,幾何相似性與生物力學相似性好。2種植體支抗前牽上頜,當牽引位點靠近近中時,更易改善面中1/3的凹陷,減少上頜骨的逆時針旋轉。
[Abstract]:The purpose of the first part is to establish a three-dimensional finite element model of the skull and face including the skull, suture, tooth and implant. Methods: A complete 8-year-old male cadaver was selected to obtain the original DICOM data of the two-dimensional image of the head of children by spiral CT scanning, and the skull was generated by Mimics 10.0. The 3D models of facial skeleton, suture, tooth and implant are generated by Geomagic 9.0 software and stored in IGES format.The obtained IGES format file is imported into Abaqus 12.0 software according to XYZ coordinate system, and the mesh element parameters of the model are set up, which contain three-dimensional finite element models of craniofacial skeleton, nine bone seams, eight teeth and implant. Results: A three-dimensional finite element model of skull and face including skull, suture, tooth and implant was established, which was divided into 657,594 elements and 990,460 nodes. The geometric similarity was high. Part 2: The effect of different traction sites on the stress distribution of maxillary protraction with osseous anchorage. To analyze the effect of different traction sites on the stress distribution of skeletal class III malocclusion treated by maxillary protraction with bone anchorage, and to find the best traction site for the treatment of midface underdeveloped skeletal class III malocclusion. Boundary conditions, model material parameters, according to the following implant implant placement commonly used in clinic set traction sites, divided into four working conditions, working conditions 1: the distal and distal crown of the primary incisor 2 mm and the cervical gingiva 5 mm intersection point of alveolar bone; working conditions 2: the first primary molar crown 2 mm and the cervical gingiva 5 mm intersection point of alveolar bone; The alveolar bone of a molar crown was located at the intersection of 2 mm proximal to the middle of the crown and 5 mm to the gingival direction of the cervical margin, and the alveolar bone was located at the intersection of 2 mm distal to the middle of the first molar crown and 5 mm to the gingival direction of the cervical margin. The stress distribution of bone, suture and tooth, the displacement trend of suture and skull were calculated. Von Mises equivalent stress was calculated and the stress distribution nephogram and displacement trend diagram were drawn. In working condition 2, the stress value of the frontal and maxillofacial joints is the largest, and the stress range is 2.819 *10-2-1.477 *10-3 mpa. (2) The stress of the nasal and maxillofacial joints is mainly concentrated on the upper and lower edges in working condition 1 and 2, and the stress distribution is more uniform in working condition 3 and 4. (3) zygomatic suture: in condition 1 and 2, the stress mainly concentrates on the leading edge, but the range in condition 1 is larger; in condition 3, the stress mainly concentrates on the lower part; in condition 4, the stress mainly concentrates on the rear edge and distributes uniformly. (4) zygofrontal seam: the stress is mainly concentrated at the edge of the suture, which is slightly larger than that of 3,4 in working condition 1,2, and relatively uniform in working condition 3 and 4. The stress of zygofrontal seam is the largest in working condition 4, and the stress range is 3.169 *10-2-4.952 *10-4 mpa. The stress value of the bone seam is 1.587 *10-2-1.148 *10-3 MPa in working condition 3, followed by 1.367 *10-2-1.129 *10-3 MPa in working condition 4. (6) the middle palate seam: the stress distribution of the middle palate seam is more uniform in all working conditions, and the stress value is 7.300 *10-4-6.47 in working condition 1. The stress distribution characteristics of the first molar were as follows: (1) In working condition 1 and 2, the stress distribution of the first molar was more uniform, and the maximum stress was located in the neck of the mesial teeth. (2) First deciduous molars: in condition 1, the maximum stress of the first deciduous molar was concentrated in 1/3 of the root tip of the palate; in condition 2, the maximum stress was concentrated in the palate root near the root bifurcation. The stress value of the first deciduous molar was the largest in working condition 2, and the stress value ranged from 1.061 *10-1-4.048 *10-4 mpa. (3) Middle incisor, deciduous side incisor: the stress distribution of the middle incisor was more uniform in working condition 1; the stress distribution of the middle incisor in working condition 2, 3, 4 was concentrated in the apical 2/3 of the middle incisor in working condition 1. The stress distribution characteristics of the whole skull under different traction sites are as follows: under different working conditions, the stress distribution around the loading site (implant, eyebrow arch, temporomandibular joint fossa) is obvious. In addition, in working condition 1, the stress concentration appears obviously, including the bridge of nose, the back of nose, the ala of nose. In working condition 2,3,4, the stress distribution was mainly concentrated on both sides of the dorsum of the nose and the lateral part of the ala nasi. In working condition 1,2,3, the stress concentration area gradually decreased, and in working condition 4, the stress concentration area gradually increased. In working condition 1, 2, 3, the displacement tendency of the upper part of the zygotemporal suture was larger; in working condition 4, the displacement tendency of the upper part of the zygotemporal suture and the lateral margin of the zygotemporal suture was larger. The trend of displacement was mainly from the incisal margin of the anterior teeth to the top of the skull. The trend of displacement from the nasal root to the dorsal part of the nose was gradually reduced, while the trend of displacement from the alveolar process was gradually increased. Conclusion: 1. A three-dimensional finite element model of craniofacial skeleton, suture, tooth and implant is established. The model has high accuracy, good geometric and biomechanical similarity. 2 Implants anchor the maxilla forward, and it is easier to pull the maxilla forward when the traction site is close to the middle. Improve the depression of 1/3 in face and reduce the counterclockwise rotation of maxilla.


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