High persistence rate of hepatitis B virus in a hydrodynamic
發(fā)布時間:2022-12-11 13:35
AIM: To optimize the viral persistence rate in a hydrodynamic injection(HI) based hepatitis B virus(HBV) transfection mouse model.METHODS:(1) 5-6-wk-old male C3H/He N and C57BL/6 mice were hydrodynamically injected with 10 μg endotoxin-free p AAV/HBV1.2 plasmid DNA via the tail vein. Hepatitis B surface antigen(HBs Ag), hepatitis B e antigen(HBe Ag) and HBV DNA, both in the serum and liver, were detected at different time points post HI by ELISA, immunohistochemical staining or quantitative poly...
【文章頁數】:10 頁
[1]Toll-like receptor 4 plays an anti-HBV role in a murine model of acute hepatitis B virus expression[J]. Ih-Jen Su,Wen-Tsan Chang. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2005(42)
【文章頁數】:10 頁
[1]Toll-like receptor 4 plays an anti-HBV role in a murine model of acute hepatitis B virus expression[J]. Ih-Jen Su,Wen-Tsan Chang. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2005(42)