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語言和性別研究是一個非常普遍的社會現(xiàn)象,也同時是語言學的重要的研究課題,人類學家、社會學家、心理學家甚至民族志學家都對它展開了深入的研究。語言學也不例外,從二十世紀六十年代起,語言和性別就成為語言學界的熱門話題。但是語言學領域內(nèi)對于性別和語言的研究多數(shù)都關注男性和女性語言的差異問題,忽略了男性和女性交談語言中表現(xiàn)出來的權勢以及和諧。本文將從男女在交談中的語言差異入手,著重了分析語言中體現(xiàn)出的權勢以及在這種權勢的語言下男女如何作出調整使對方融入交談中來。 本文將從以下幾個方面入手來研究交談中的語言和性別:一、本文從辨別主要概念入手,指出“gender”是一個帶有社會性質的詞匯,是兩種性別在社會文化下的不同。同時借鑒前人研究的成果再次指出在語言的使用上性別差異的客觀存在,并分別列舉了兩性交談中在內(nèi)容,詞匯及交談方式上的差異。二、本文通過分析研究指出男女交談的目的是不同的,男性希望通過交談來鞏固其社會地位,樹立自己的威信;女性則希望交談來促進相互關系的和諧和融洽。三、男性和女性在交談中體現(xiàn)權勢時也在試圖拉近相互的關系,使雙方能夠更好地融入談話中來,達到和諧的效果。家庭是語言活動的中心,能...
【文章頁數(shù)】:49 頁
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background and purpose of the study
1.2 Significance of the thesis
1.3 Layout of the study
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework and Literature Review
2.1 Theoretical framework
2.2 Literature review
2.2.1 Studies abroad
2.2.2 Studies at home
Chapter Three Differences between Male and Female in Communication
3.1 Content and topic
3.2 Words in communication
3.2.1 Use of standard language
3.2.2 Color words
3.2.3 Descriptive words
3.3 Women’s sensitivity to linguistic norms
3.4 Politeness
3.5 Report–talk and rapport talk
Chapter Four Power Relations in Male’s and Female’s Conversation
4.1 Male and female interactional styles
4.1.1 Co–operating while competing
4.1.2 Misunderstanding and conflict
4.2 Exploring the maintenance of patriarchal power
4.2.1 Male dominance: rhetoric and violence
Chapter Five negotiating relations–power or connection strategy
5.1 Mother: a paradigm case of power and connection
5.2 Power lines or connection lines–in telling your day
5.3 Self–revelation: a gender–specific conversation ritual
5.4 Balancing power and connection in a family interaction
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 The major findings
6.2 Suggestions
【文章頁數(shù)】:49 頁
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background and purpose of the study
1.2 Significance of the thesis
1.3 Layout of the study
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework and Literature Review
2.1 Theoretical framework
2.2 Literature review
2.2.1 Studies abroad
2.2.2 Studies at home
Chapter Three Differences between Male and Female in Communication
3.1 Content and topic
3.2 Words in communication
3.2.1 Use of standard language
3.2.2 Color words
3.2.3 Descriptive words
3.3 Women’s sensitivity to linguistic norms
3.4 Politeness
3.5 Report–talk and rapport talk
Chapter Four Power Relations in Male’s and Female’s Conversation
4.1 Male and female interactional styles
4.1.1 Co–operating while competing
4.1.2 Misunderstanding and conflict
4.2 Exploring the maintenance of patriarchal power
4.2.1 Male dominance: rhetoric and violence
Chapter Five negotiating relations–power or connection strategy
5.1 Mother: a paradigm case of power and connection
5.2 Power lines or connection lines–in telling your day
5.3 Self–revelation: a gender–specific conversation ritual
5.4 Balancing power and connection in a family interaction
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 The major findings
6.2 Suggestions