A Study of Social Presence Relevant to Cooperative Principle
發(fā)布時間:2023-04-06 19:27
QQ聊天是電腦媒介交流中最受歡迎的方式之一。本文研究的目的是通過QQ聊天探究社會臨場感與社會關系,合作原則,禮貌原則及其各細則之間的關系。 社會臨場感所包括的三個指標及八個子范疇對社會臨場感起不同的作用。因此,本文根據(jù)他們所起的作用運用統(tǒng)計學中的加權平均來計算不同種類的加權系數(shù)或者加權值。具體地說,采用層次分析法進行定量和定性分析并通過兩兩比較建立判斷矩陣A,進而確定各個類別的權重系數(shù)。權重系數(shù)之和等于一。本文主要利用內容分析法對騰訊QQ聊天記錄進行定性分析,試圖找出社會臨場感與社會關系以及與合作原則,禮貌原則及其各細則之間的關系。 研究結果表明社會臨場感水平的高低與社會關系有著密切的聯(lián)系。會話者之間關系越親密,社會臨場感水平就越高。本文進一步發(fā)現(xiàn):如果交流雙方在現(xiàn)實生活中相識,其社會地位在一定程度上影響到社會臨場感及網上交流;可是,如果交流雙方在現(xiàn)實生活中并不相識,其社會地位則幾乎不產生影響。然而,社會臨場感水平的高低與性別和教育程度無顯著相關。另外,本文還表明社會臨場感程度越高,人們就越不會遵守合作原則與禮貌原則,尤其是合作原則中的量的準則和關系準則及禮貌原則中的贊揚準則。特別值得...
【文章頁數(shù)】:83 頁
ABSTRACT 摘要 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS List of Tables Abbreviations Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Motivation Of The Thesis
1.3 Thesis organization Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Social presence
2.1.1 Conceptualizations of presence
2.1.2 Definitions of social presence
2.1.3 Social presence in communication
2.1.4 Content Analysis
2.2 Cooperative Principle (CP) and Politeness Principle (PP) in pragmatics
2.2.1 Cooperative Principle
2.2.2 Politeness Principle Chapter Three Research Design and Data
3.1 Identification of data
3.2 Data collection Chapter Four Data Analysis
4.1 Analytical method
4.2 Sample analysis
4.2.1 Assessment of social presence
4.2.2 Social presence relevant to CP
4.2.3 Social presence relevant to PP
4.3 Summary of analysis
4.3.1 From the aspect of social presence
4.3.2 From the aspect of CP and PP Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major findings
5.2 Implications
5.3 Limitations and suggestions Bibliography Appendix 攻碩期間取得的研究成果
【文章頁數(shù)】:83 頁
ABSTRACT 摘要 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS List of Tables Abbreviations Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Motivation Of The Thesis
1.3 Thesis organization Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Social presence
2.1.1 Conceptualizations of presence
2.1.2 Definitions of social presence
2.1.3 Social presence in communication
2.1.4 Content Analysis
2.2 Cooperative Principle (CP) and Politeness Principle (PP) in pragmatics
2.2.1 Cooperative Principle
2.2.2 Politeness Principle Chapter Three Research Design and Data
3.1 Identification of data
3.2 Data collection Chapter Four Data Analysis
4.1 Analytical method
4.2 Sample analysis
4.2.1 Assessment of social presence
4.2.2 Social presence relevant to CP
4.2.3 Social presence relevant to PP
4.3 Summary of analysis
4.3.1 From the aspect of social presence
4.3.2 From the aspect of CP and PP Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major findings
5.2 Implications
5.3 Limitations and suggestions Bibliography Appendix 攻碩期間取得的研究成果