發(fā)布時間:2022-05-10 19:25
認知語用學認為,意義構(gòu)建是概念化的過程,受語境影響,也是對言語行為的推理理解過程。所謂言語行為有直接言語行為和間接言語行為之分。大部分直接言語行為不需要意義構(gòu)建的推理過程。然而,間接言語行為的話語含義無法直接從語言表達式中獲取,說話者真正的意圖需進行推理和意義構(gòu)建過程。本論文研究的焦點在于間接言語行為意義獲取的認知機制,即,通過轉(zhuǎn)喻思維推理獲取含義,提出轉(zhuǎn)喻的認知基礎是意象圖示,并將后者分為兩大類:[1]容器;[2]部分-整體。本文意在心理模型和語用推理模型結(jié)合的基礎上,詮釋間接言語行為的運作機制?傊,本文以認知語用學為指導視角,重點研究意象圖式作為認知機制如何通過轉(zhuǎn)喻實現(xiàn)推理,在語境限制下獲取含義。具體說來,本文遵循Panther和Thornburg (1997)的轉(zhuǎn)喻觀點,即轉(zhuǎn)喻在間接言語行為中的操作也具有指稱轉(zhuǎn)喻的部分-整體特點,并指出傳統(tǒng)的間接言語行為研究只做到聽話者推理說話者意圖這一步,即未澄清言語識解的認知推理模式。而轉(zhuǎn)喻一直被視作是自然推理圖示,并重新釋義為交際中司空見慣的思維和語言現(xiàn)象。(Lakoff&Johnson,1980/2003)鑒上,本文研究焦點落實...
【文章頁數(shù)】:99 頁
Part 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Questions and Hypotheses
1.1.1 Research questions
1.1.2 Hypotheses
1.2 Data
1.3 Structure of the Dissertation
1.4 Summary
Part 2 Theoretical Framework and Literature Review
2.1 Image Schema Theory
2.1.1 Schemas, images, and image schemas
2.2 Image Schema and Their Transformations
2.2.1 Properties and functions of image schema
2.2.2 Image schema transformation
2.2.3 Image schema and metaphorical and metonymical mechanisms
2.3 The Different Views on Meaning
2.3.1 The philosophical basis of meaning
2.3.2 The traditional view on meaning
2.3.3 The cognitive view on meaning
2.4 Meaning Construction
2.4.1 Meaning construction in traditional view
2.4.2 Meaning construction in cognitive view
2.5 Indirect Speech Act and Metonymy
2.5.1 Indirect speech
2.5.2 Brief introduction of metonymy
2.5.3 Metonymy and indirect speech act
Part 3 Methodology
3.1 The Objectives of the Paper
3.2 The Methods Used
Part 4 Results
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Case Study
4.2.1 Container schema and metonymy in indirect speech acts
4.2.2 Part-whole schema and metonymy in indirect speech acts
4.3 Summary
Part 5 Discussion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The Function of Context in Inference
5.2.1 Subject contextual factors (SCF)
5.2.2 Objective contextual factors (OCF)
5.3 Other Factors and Inference
5.3.1 Intention
5.3.2 Culture
5.4 Summary: Cognitive-Pragmatic Interface
Part 6 Conclusion
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Findings and Conclusions
6.3 Limitations of Our Work
Published Paper
[1]言外轉(zhuǎn)喻的“屬性強加聯(lián)想”模式[J]. 鄒春玲. 外語學刊. 2010(02)
[2]歇后語的心理模型分析[J]. 鄒春玲,成曉光. 外語研究. 2009(03)
[3]漢語轉(zhuǎn)喻理解的模因分析[J]. 鄒春玲. 外語學刊. 2008(06)
[4]轉(zhuǎn)喻矩陣域觀[J]. 陳香蘭,申屠菁. 外國語(上海外國語大學學報). 2008(02)
[5]基于模型的語用推理[J]. 徐盛桓. 外國語(上海外國語大學學報). 2007(03)
[6]概念轉(zhuǎn)喻的本質(zhì)、分類和認知運作機制[J]. 張輝,孫明智. 外語與外語教學. 2005(03)
[7]言語行為轉(zhuǎn)喻與話語的深層連貫[J]. 李勇忠. 外語教學. 2004(03)
[8]預設投射研究的Karttunen模式與Fauconnier模式[J]. 劉宇紅. 外語學刊. 2003(02)
[9]間接言語行為中的借代[J]. 李勇忠. 解放軍外國語學院學報. 2003(02)
【文章頁數(shù)】:99 頁
Part 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Questions and Hypotheses
1.1.1 Research questions
1.1.2 Hypotheses
1.2 Data
1.3 Structure of the Dissertation
1.4 Summary
Part 2 Theoretical Framework and Literature Review
2.1 Image Schema Theory
2.1.1 Schemas, images, and image schemas
2.2 Image Schema and Their Transformations
2.2.1 Properties and functions of image schema
2.2.2 Image schema transformation
2.2.3 Image schema and metaphorical and metonymical mechanisms
2.3 The Different Views on Meaning
2.3.1 The philosophical basis of meaning
2.3.2 The traditional view on meaning
2.3.3 The cognitive view on meaning
2.4 Meaning Construction
2.4.1 Meaning construction in traditional view
2.4.2 Meaning construction in cognitive view
2.5 Indirect Speech Act and Metonymy
2.5.1 Indirect speech
2.5.2 Brief introduction of metonymy
2.5.3 Metonymy and indirect speech act
Part 3 Methodology
3.1 The Objectives of the Paper
3.2 The Methods Used
Part 4 Results
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Case Study
4.2.1 Container schema and metonymy in indirect speech acts
4.2.2 Part-whole schema and metonymy in indirect speech acts
4.3 Summary
Part 5 Discussion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The Function of Context in Inference
5.2.1 Subject contextual factors (SCF)
5.2.2 Objective contextual factors (OCF)
5.3 Other Factors and Inference
5.3.1 Intention
5.3.2 Culture
5.4 Summary: Cognitive-Pragmatic Interface
Part 6 Conclusion
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Findings and Conclusions
6.3 Limitations of Our Work
Published Paper
[1]言外轉(zhuǎn)喻的“屬性強加聯(lián)想”模式[J]. 鄒春玲. 外語學刊. 2010(02)
[2]歇后語的心理模型分析[J]. 鄒春玲,成曉光. 外語研究. 2009(03)
[3]漢語轉(zhuǎn)喻理解的模因分析[J]. 鄒春玲. 外語學刊. 2008(06)
[4]轉(zhuǎn)喻矩陣域觀[J]. 陳香蘭,申屠菁. 外國語(上海外國語大學學報). 2008(02)
[5]基于模型的語用推理[J]. 徐盛桓. 外國語(上海外國語大學學報). 2007(03)
[6]概念轉(zhuǎn)喻的本質(zhì)、分類和認知運作機制[J]. 張輝,孫明智. 外語與外語教學. 2005(03)
[7]言語行為轉(zhuǎn)喻與話語的深層連貫[J]. 李勇忠. 外語教學. 2004(03)
[8]預設投射研究的Karttunen模式與Fauconnier模式[J]. 劉宇紅. 外語學刊. 2003(02)
[9]間接言語行為中的借代[J]. 李勇忠. 解放軍外國語學院學報. 2003(02)