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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-30 02:59

  本文選題:博客 + 語篇 ; 參考:《南京大學》2012年博士論文

【摘要】:從20世紀60年代至今,全球互聯(lián)網用戶人數(shù)超過數(shù)十億,網絡交際方式對現(xiàn)代人類的生產、經濟、生活等各個方面都產生了巨大的影響。博客是上世紀90年代末,繼電子郵件、網絡論壇以及即時聊天之后又一迅速崛起的網絡交際方式。中國的博客發(fā)展稍晚于歐美,它于2000年開始出現(xiàn)并于2005年開始迅速普及,截至2011年底博客用戶已逾3億。博客有著不同于其它網絡交際方式的特點:1、網頁主體由不斷更新的眾多“帖子”組成;2、它們在網頁上按時間的倒序順序排列,即最新的放在最上面,最舊的在最下面;3、內容可以是各種主題、各種外觀布局和各種寫作風格,且“超鏈接”成為其重要的表達方式,同時,日歷、檔案也是必要的構成元素;4、讀者可以發(fā)表評論。 90年代中期以來,網絡媒體成為中德語言學研究的一個熱點話題,電子郵件、網絡論壇以及即時聊天等交際方式的語言學研究方興正艾,它們各自的語言特點、交際方式、語篇類型都被一一剖析。這些網絡新興的語篇類型抑或交際方式被認定兼具口頭和書面語篇特點,作為以書寫形式表現(xiàn)的交際方式,卻不同程度地體現(xiàn)了口語化的趨勢。而博客以其信息傳播之及時、受眾之廣泛在軍事、政治、經濟領域聲名鵲起,成為社會學和媒體學研究的一個新興領域。很多學者把它和傳統(tǒng)媒體相提并論,并認為它發(fā)展成為信息傳播的一種重要渠道,成為傳統(tǒng)媒體的有力競爭。相對于其它網絡交際方式的豐富研究以及各學科領域對于博客的廣泛關注,語言學方面對于中、德博客的系統(tǒng)研究尚處于起步階段,僅有的博客語言學研究,也只涉及了一些具體語言現(xiàn)象的分析。因此從語言學的篇章語言學以及語體學這兩個視角系統(tǒng)地審視博客的語言語體特點,剖析博客與其它網絡語篇的異同,解析博客與傳統(tǒng)媒體的關系,對于深化語言學的發(fā)展和規(guī)范引導博客語言的應用具有重要的理論和現(xiàn)實指導意義。 基于以上背景,本文針對博客這一新興的網絡交際方式,從語言學尤其是篇章語言學和語體學角度,對中、德兩國博客文章在語篇類型和語言語體方面的特點進行分析和比較,一定程度上填補了這一方面的空白。在語篇分析方面,以傳統(tǒng)的報刊媒體的語篇類型為出發(fā)點,分析博客語篇的特點,并以此剖析博客與傳統(tǒng)媒體的關系;在語體分析方面,則重點分析博客的語言特征,以及對比博客和其它一些網絡交際方式比如電子郵件、網上即時聊天之間的語言差異。 為保證本文所研究博客的代表性、可比性,本研究以隨機選取的中文以及德文的足球博客為研究對象,選取德國足球博客列表中20個保持更新的,并以文字為主的博客,每個博客選取2008年12月31日前最新更新的文章,選取文章的總字數(shù)不少于5000字。中文博客由于沒有此類列表,因此在4大門戶網站騰訊、新浪、搜狐以及網易隨機抽取以足球為主要內容并保持更新的中文博客20個,每個博客選取截止于2008年12月的最新博客文章。整個數(shù)據庫共計20余萬字,其中德文、中文各不少于10萬字。 在篇章語言學的發(fā)展中,語篇類型的定義及分類一直以來雖然備受爭議,各家各執(zhí)一詞,但眾多語言學家都一致認為語篇銜接(Textverkniipfung)、語篇結構(Textstruktur)、語篇主題(Textthema)以及語篇功能(Textfunktion)是分析不同語篇特點的重要因素。因此,本文以足球博客為例,首先從以上各個方面,并結合HausendorfKesselheim提出的“指示元(Hinweis)”概念進行語篇分析,通過以上比較分析旨在回答以下問題:足球博客中出現(xiàn)哪些具體的語篇類型?它們分別具備哪些語篇指示?和傳統(tǒng)報刊媒體的語篇類型相比有何異同?原因何在? 語篇分析的結果表明,足球博客中偏重敘述性及議論性的語篇結構,根據Luger(1995)對于傳統(tǒng)的報刊媒體的分類,足球博客中信息類(informationsbetonte Texte)口評論類語篇(]meinungsbetonte Texte)居多。在足球博客中,信息類語篇除了報刊媒體中常見的消息、報道外,還出現(xiàn)了一些特殊語篇類型,比如賽事直播語篇、轉會傳聞、參賽球員名單及隊形等;評論類語篇中則以中短評為主,輔以諷刺性雜評以及偏評論的報告文學;其它類型的語篇在本人的博文語料中出現(xiàn)頻率相對較低,聯(lián)絡類語篇(kontaktorientierte Texte)多和其它類型語篇相融合,呼吁類語篇(auffordernde Texte)以廣告形式出現(xiàn),而指示類語篇(instruierend-anweisende Texte)未出現(xiàn)。另外,博客中也出現(xiàn)了傳統(tǒng)報刊媒體語篇分類中所沒有的消遣類語篇(unterhaltende Texte),這類語篇的語言文藝、文學性較強。相對于德文博客,中文博文更偏重于評論性文章,另外也出現(xiàn)了聯(lián)絡、信息、評論以及消遣類語篇。 在分析了博客的語篇特征后,論文進一步研究了中、德體育博客的語言語體的特征。在新媒體的語言語體分析中,KochOesterreichr模式應用廣泛,他們把語言的實現(xiàn)“媒介”分為聲音和書寫方式,以口語語態(tài)(konzeptionelle Mundlichkeit)和書面語語態(tài)(konzeptionelle Schriftlichkeit)為兩極,并且分別和近、遠交際以及各自不同的特征相關聯(lián),各種語篇類型均可以依據其語體特征排列于這兩極之間。其中,口語交際具有私密、熟悉、非計劃以及同步性的特點,而書面語交際則是公開、陌生、有計劃以及非同步的。這樣的語境特征決定了口頭語言的特征一般為使用表現(xiàn)力強的口語化詞匯,句子結構簡單、多為不完整句和省略句,常出現(xiàn)講話人未察覺的錯誤。書面語言則句子結構比較復雜,通常不出現(xiàn)未被作者發(fā)現(xiàn)的錯誤;诳谡Z和書面語語態(tài)的不同特征,博客作為以書寫方式實現(xiàn)的一種網絡交際方式,其語言具備什么特征?在口語語態(tài)和書面語語態(tài)的兩極間,尤其和傳統(tǒng)媒體以及和其它網絡交際方式相比,博客處于什么樣的位置?中、德文博客的語體在哪些方面具有可比性?針對以上問題,本文分別對中、德足球博客語體的正字法、詞法、句法、語音語態(tài)書寫以及超文本特征進行了具體的分析與比較。 從對中、德文語言各層面的定性以及部分定量分析上可以看出,博客語言在語言規(guī)范上有一定程度的偏離,出現(xiàn)了一些書寫錯誤,詞法方面語氣詞、口語詞匯、方言、粗話以及句法方面短句、省略句的使用都體現(xiàn)了口語特征,語音語態(tài)書寫方面,博客由于是書寫方式實現(xiàn)的交流,出現(xiàn)一些通過文字來表現(xiàn)語調、聲音、表情和動作的手段,例如:重復拼寫相同字或符,使用表情和動作符號,通過斜體、粗體、變換字體以及顏色加強語氣等。此外,外來語的使用體現(xiàn)了異語言和文化的滲透,縮略語是語言簡化以及群體認同的結果,而多圖和超鏈接則是博客區(qū)別于傳統(tǒng)媒體以及其它網絡交際方式的重要特征。相對于德文博客,語料庫中的中文博文書寫錯誤更少,外來語尤其是英語外來詞的使用頻率也更低。 綜合篇章以及語體方面的研究,本文得出以下結論: 1.博客是一個多語篇的結合體,它個人化的、開放式的交際方式決定了其語篇的多樣性。新媒體的不斷發(fā)展,也使得語篇類型不再單一化、模式化,語篇融合已經成為不可阻擋的趨勢。博客在語篇類型方面和傳統(tǒng)媒體相比,有很多相似性,同時,博客也有自己特有的語篇類型及其特征。 2.博客語體有口語特征,比報紙、雜志等傳統(tǒng)新聞媒體更隨意、表達更自由,有簡約、生動的特征,但相對于即時聊天、網絡論壇甚至電子郵件,它的這一傾向并不明顯,因此和它們相比,博客語體更接近書面語語態(tài)、更具規(guī)范性。 3.基于博客在語篇及語體方面和傳統(tǒng)新聞媒體的相似性,以及它迅速的信息傳播方式、豐富的信息量以及強大的互動性,使得博客成為傳統(tǒng)媒體重要的補充并且強有力的競爭者,但同時博客中信息的真實性、可靠性無法得到保障,也成為它不能替代傳統(tǒng)新聞媒體的主要原因。 4.在一些新興應用如微博的影響下,普通網民越來越習慣于快速、簡單、互動性和社交性強的信息互動方式,博客的使用率雖有所下降,卻越加呈現(xiàn)出傳統(tǒng)的信息傳播特征。由于博客不受時間、空間限制,因此它比即時聊天、微博等網絡交際形式更規(guī)范、表達更準確、邏輯更嚴謹,在表述及論證個人觀點方面具有更大的優(yōu)勢。由此推斷,博客的使用群體會有所減小,但仍具有一定的生存空間,它將成為意見領袖們傳送信息的重要陣地,評論類語篇逐漸占據主導地位,意識操控將逐漸成為其語篇的主要功能。
[Abstract]:Since the 1960s and so far , the number of Internet users in the world has exceeded billions , and the way of network communication has exerted great influence on the production , economy and life of modern human beings . The blog is a rapidly rising network communication mode after the end of the 1990s , following e - mail , web forum and instant chat . The blog has more than 300 million people since the end of 2011 . The blog has more than 300 million blogs by the end of 2011 . The blog has the characteristics of different ways of network communication : 1 . The main body of the web page is composed of many " posts " that are constantly updated ;
2 . They are arranged in the reverse order of time on the web page , that is , the most up - to - date , oldest in the bottom ;
3 . The content can be various theme , various appearance layout and various writing styles , and " hyperlink " becomes its important expression mode , meanwhile , calendar and file are necessary constituent elements ;
4 . Readers can comment .

Since the mid - 1990s , network media has become a hot topic in Sino - German linguistics , such as e - mail , network forum and instant chat .

Based on the above background , this paper tries to analyze and compare the characteristics of Chinese and German blog posts in discourse type and language style from linguistics , especially discourse linguistics and corpus , to some extent , and to analyze the relationship between blog and traditional media in the aspect of discourse analysis .
In the aspect of corpus analysis , the paper focuses on analyzing the linguistic features of the blog , and comparing the language differences between the blog and some other ways such as e - mail and instant chat .

In order to ensure the representation and comparability of the blogs studied in this paper , 20 Chinese and German football blogs are selected randomly in Chinese and German blogs . Each blog is selected to be the latest updated articles before Dec . 31 , 2008 . Each blog is selected as the most updated blog post of December 31 , 2008 . Each blog picks up the latest blog posts as of December 2008 . The entire database totals more than 200,000 words , including German and Chinese , not less than 100,000 words .

In the development of discourse linguistics , the definition and classification of discourse types has always been controversial and different from each other , but many linguist agree that textual cohesion ipfung , Textstruktur , Textthema , and Textfunktion are important factors to analyze the characteristics of different discourse .

According to Luger ( 1995 ) , there are some special discourse types , such as broadcast live text , transfer rumours , list of players and formation , etc .
In the discourse of comments , the paper mainly focuses on the short - term review and the reportage of satirical and biased comments .
Other types of discourse have relatively low frequency in my blog corpus , and the contact discourse ( kontaktorientierte Texte ) has been merged with other types of texts , and call - based discourse ( " auffordernde Texte ) has not appeared . In addition , there have been unterhaltende Texte , which has not been found in the traditional newspapers and periodicals . In addition , the blog also has unterterhaltende Texte , which is more focused on critical articles than German blogs , and also has contacts , information , comments and passives .

After analyzing the features of the blog , the paper further studies the features of Chinese and German sports blogs . In the analysis of the linguistic corpus of the new media , the characters of the language are widely used . They are classified into two poles according to their language features .

From the qualitative and quantitative analysis of all aspects of Chinese and German language , it can be seen that there are some deviations in the language norm of the blog language , and there are some writing errors , such as words , words , dialect , rude words and syntax . In addition , the use of foreign language reflects the penetration of different languages and cultures .

In this paper , the following conclusions are drawn :

1 . Blogs are a combination of a multi - language discourse , which is personalized and open - ended . It determines the diversity of discourse . The continuous development of the new media also makes the discourse type no longer singularized , formalised , and discourse cohesion has become an irresistible trend . The blog has many similarities compared with traditional media , and the blog has its own unique discourse type and its characteristics .

2 . The language features of the blog are more random , more free , concise and vivid than the traditional news media such as newspapers , magazines and the like , but the tendency is not obvious relative to the instant chat , the web forum and even the e - mail , so the blog corpus is closer to the written language and is more normative .

3 . Based on the similarity of the blog in the discourse and the corpus and the traditional news media , as well as its rapid information transmission , abundant information and strong interactivity , the blog has become an important supplement to the traditional media and a strong competitor , but at the same time the authenticity and reliability of the information in the blog cannot be guaranteed , and it becomes the main reason that it cannot replace the traditional news media .

4 . Under the influence of some emerging applications , such as micro - blog , ordinary Internet users are becoming accustomed to the rapid , simple , interactive and social interaction way , while the usage of blog has declined , but it has more advantages than instant chat , micro blog and so on . As a result , the use group of blog will decrease , but it still has certain living space . It will become an important position for the opinion leaders to transmit information , and the comment texts gradually occupy the dominant position , and the conscious manipulation will gradually become the main function of their discourse .


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1 鐘茜韻;陳新仁;;歷史語用學研究方法:問題與出路[J];外語教學理論與實踐;2014年02期





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