Seminar in Algebra and Number Theory: Computational Commutat
Plot of the equation V(z2-x2-y2). The resulting cone is an example of a singular affine variety. (Image made using K3DSurf by Prof. Steven Kleiman.)
Prof. Steven Kleiman
MIT Course Number18.704
As Taught InFall 2008
Ocean Wave Interaction with Ships and Offshore Energy Systems (13.022)
Some Description
As Taught In
Spring 2002
Course Number
Lecture Notes, Student Work
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Course Description
In this undergraduate level seminar series, topics vary from year to year. Students present and discuss the subject matter, and are provided with instruction and practice in written and oral communication. Some experience with proofs required. The topic for fall 2008: Computational algebra and algebraic geometry.
Other OCW VersionsThis is an undergraduate-level seminar in Algebra and Number Theory. The content varies year to year, according to the interests of the instructor and the students.
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