我國企業(yè)經(jīng)濟(jì)運(yùn)行過程中倫理問題的思考IIIsuch as business bribe; consumption ethic disorder phenomena are selling fake andpoor quality production, doing crooked promotion and service for fake production,and price cheating.In addition, the essay analyzes the reasons of appearing the phenomena of ethicdisorder. The reasons are that enterpriser and staff are lacking ethic consciousness.Enterprisers do not pay attention to construction of enterprise ethics. The staff lacksome ethic moral consciousness. Enterprise inner management rules are not regular.The government macroeconomic control is plete. Government laws and lawenforcement are lacking and plete. And social moral atmosphere is not verygood.Last, the essay coincides with the way and method of our country’s currententerprise ethic construction. The enterprises must emphasize collectivism,people-oriented, and honest values of enterprise culture construction. They mustenforce ethic moral education of enterpriser and staff. Enterprises s...