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倒向隨機微分方程(BSDE)的一般形式最先由Pardoux-Peng[30]在1990年提出。從此,BSDE的理論研究受到了廣泛的關(guān)注,這是由于它在很多方面有著廣泛的應(yīng)用,比如在定價和對沖理論中的應(yīng)用、在(隨機)偏微分方程中的應(yīng)用、在隨機控制和微分對策中的應(yīng)用,等等。比較定理是BSDE理論中的一大重要成果,這歸因于Peng[36],然后由Pardoux-Peng[31]和El Karoui-Peng-Quenez[17]做了推廣。當我們可以比較兩個BSDEs的終端條件和生成元時,我們可以用比較定理來比較這兩個倒向隨機微分方程解的大小。Yang[46](也可參見Peng-Yang[40])在2007年研究了一種新類型的倒向隨機微分方程,稱為超前倒向隨機微分方程(ABSDEs)。他們主要研究了此類方程的解的存在唯一性,解的比較定理,同時應(yīng)用這些結(jié)果解決了相關(guān)的隨機控制問題。在這篇論文中,我們主要研究了超前倒向隨機微分方程及其應(yīng)用。首先我們用線性化方法證明了Peng-Yang[40]中的比較定理,并且給出了 一個更一般的結(jié)果。其次,當超前倒向隨機微分方程的超前時不再是常數(shù)而是一個關(guān)于時間的函...
【文章來源】:南京師范大學江蘇省 211工程院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:56 頁
Abstract (in English)
Abstract (in Chinese)
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 The main content of this article
Chapter 2 Preliminaries
2.1 Results on BSDEs
2.2 Results on anticipated BSDEs
Chapter 3 Comparison theorems for 1-dimensional anticipated BSDEs
3.1 A new proof of the comparison theorem
3.2 A more general comparison theorem
Chapter 4 Anticipated BSDEs with functional anticipated time and relatedstochastic control problems
4.1 Duality between SDDEs and anticipated BSDEs
4.2 Application in stochastic control problems
Chapter 5 Anticipated BSDEs under a weaker condition and related zero-sum stochastic differential games
5.1 Anticipated BSDEs under a weaker condition
5.2 Zero-sum stochastic differential games
[1]A General Comparison Theorem for 1-dimensional Anticipated BSDEs[J]. Xiao-ming XU. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. 2016(02)
[2]超前倒向重隨機微分方程[J]. 張峰. 中國科學:數(shù)學. 2013(12)
[3]Necessary and sufficient condition for the comparison theorem of multidimensional anticipated backward stochastic differential equations[J]. XU XiaoMing School of Mathematical Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, China. Science China(Mathematics). 2011(02)
【文章來源】:南京師范大學江蘇省 211工程院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:56 頁
Abstract (in English)
Abstract (in Chinese)
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 The main content of this article
Chapter 2 Preliminaries
2.1 Results on BSDEs
2.2 Results on anticipated BSDEs
Chapter 3 Comparison theorems for 1-dimensional anticipated BSDEs
3.1 A new proof of the comparison theorem
3.2 A more general comparison theorem
Chapter 4 Anticipated BSDEs with functional anticipated time and relatedstochastic control problems
4.1 Duality between SDDEs and anticipated BSDEs
4.2 Application in stochastic control problems
Chapter 5 Anticipated BSDEs under a weaker condition and related zero-sum stochastic differential games
5.1 Anticipated BSDEs under a weaker condition
5.2 Zero-sum stochastic differential games
[1]A General Comparison Theorem for 1-dimensional Anticipated BSDEs[J]. Xiao-ming XU. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. 2016(02)
[2]超前倒向重隨機微分方程[J]. 張峰. 中國科學:數(shù)學. 2013(12)
[3]Necessary and sufficient condition for the comparison theorem of multidimensional anticipated backward stochastic differential equations[J]. XU XiaoMing School of Mathematical Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, China. Science China(Mathematics). 2011(02)