Analysis of Some Mathematical Models for the Spatial Transmi
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-10-17 09:31
【文章頁數(shù)】:156 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 West Nile virus and its transmission
1.2 Mathematical models of WNv
1.3 Simplified models of WNv
1.4 Motivations and contributions
Chapter 2 Spreading and vanishing in a WNv model with expandingfronts
2.1 The model with expanding fronts
2.2 Existence and uniqueness of the solution
2.3 The risk index of WNv
2.4 The vanishing of WNv
2.5 The spreading of WNv
2.6 Numerical simulations and discussions
Chapter 3 Coexistence of a cross-diffusive WNv model in a hetero-geneous environment
3.1 The WNv model with cross-diffusion
3.2 Basic reproduction numbers
3.3 Existence of coexistence
3.4 Non-existence of coexistence
3.5 Iteration and true solution
3.6 Numerical simulations and discussions
Chapter 4 Asymptotic periodicity in a diffusive WNv model in aheterogeneous environment
4.1 Periodic phenomena and the model
4.2 Basic reproduction numbers
4.3 Existence and non-existence of periodic solution
4.4 The maximal and minimal periodic solutions
4.5 Attractivity of periodic solutions
4.6 Numerical simulations and discussions
Chapter 5 The spatial-temporal risk index and transmission dynam-ics for a time-periodic diffusive WNv model
5.1 Periodic surrounding and free boundary
5.2 Preliminaries
5.3 The spatial-temporal risk index
5.4 The T-periodic boundary value problem in half line
5.5 Spreading and vanishing
5.6 Numerical simulations and discussions
Chapter 6 Conclusions and future research
【文章頁數(shù)】:156 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 West Nile virus and its transmission
1.2 Mathematical models of WNv
1.3 Simplified models of WNv
1.4 Motivations and contributions
Chapter 2 Spreading and vanishing in a WNv model with expandingfronts
2.1 The model with expanding fronts
2.2 Existence and uniqueness of the solution
2.3 The risk index of WNv
2.4 The vanishing of WNv
2.5 The spreading of WNv
2.6 Numerical simulations and discussions
Chapter 3 Coexistence of a cross-diffusive WNv model in a hetero-geneous environment
3.1 The WNv model with cross-diffusion
3.2 Basic reproduction numbers
3.3 Existence of coexistence
3.4 Non-existence of coexistence
3.5 Iteration and true solution
3.6 Numerical simulations and discussions
Chapter 4 Asymptotic periodicity in a diffusive WNv model in aheterogeneous environment
4.1 Periodic phenomena and the model
4.2 Basic reproduction numbers
4.3 Existence and non-existence of periodic solution
4.4 The maximal and minimal periodic solutions
4.5 Attractivity of periodic solutions
4.6 Numerical simulations and discussions
Chapter 5 The spatial-temporal risk index and transmission dynam-ics for a time-periodic diffusive WNv model
5.1 Periodic surrounding and free boundary
5.2 Preliminaries
5.3 The spatial-temporal risk index
5.4 The T-periodic boundary value problem in half line
5.5 Spreading and vanishing
5.6 Numerical simulations and discussions
Chapter 6 Conclusions and future research