[Abstract]:Arachis hypogaea L is one of the most important oil crops in our country and in the world. Because of its rich oil and protein, it has high nutritional value and economic value. The aggravation of industrial pollution and the improper use of agricultural irrigation measures and chemical fertilizer have caused the increase of the area of secondary saline and alkali land. The crop yield and quality of peanuts are seriously affected by the continued threat of peanut planting areas. Therefore, how to ensure stable yield, high yield and high quality of peanuts has become a major goal and technical problem for breeding. In order to achieve this goal and accelerate the improvement process of peanut varieties, researchers have gradually shifted the research direction to the molecular mechanism of salt tolerance. The study is aimed at genetic improvement of existing varieties by genetic engineering techniques and selecting new peanut varieties with salt tolerance to provide practical application for improving the yield and quality of peanut. Iron chelating enzyme catalyzes the synthesis of heme, which provides an auxiliary basis for the complex in the respiratory chain and the peroxidase. Hemoglobin is likely to be a signaling molecule to communicate plastids and nuclei and participate in drought stress response. This lesson is intended to clone peanut iron chelase 1 gene and study its function under salt stress. We use the Arabidopsis iron chelase 1 gene (AtFC1, GI: 145358447) as a probe to compare the peanut EST database in the search NCBI Two homologous EST sequences were obtained and the primers were designed according to the sequence after the splicing. The peanut leaves treated with salt stress were used as the test materials. The peanut iron chelating enzyme 1 gene was cloned by RT-PCR and RACE technology, and the bioinformatics analysis and function prediction were carried out. The gene was transiently expressed in the Arabidopsis protoplast. The fusion gene of fluorescent protein (GFP) determines its location in the cell and studies its function in salt stress response by overexpressing the gene in tobacco. The results are as follows: (1) a complete cDNA sequence of peanut iron chelating enzyme was cloned from the peanut leaves treated with salt stress, named AhFC1, which has been registered in Genbank KU560625. the full length of cDNA sequence is 1965 BP, the 5 'end non translation region is 157 BP, the open reading frame length is 1449 BP, the 3' end non translation region is 359 BP, the encoded protein contains 482 amino acids. (2) a variety of methods are used to predict the encoding protein of the protein. It is found that AhFC1 egg white has a highly conserved iron chelase N end and C terminal domain. There are several enzyme active sites on the two domains, and there is a transmembrane region at its C end, belonging to the II superfamily of the chelating enzyme, which is not dependent on ATP, and in the chloroplast compartment. In evolution, the relationship between the AhFC1 protein and the iron chelating enzyme of cucumber is closest. (3) the expression model analysis shows that the drought stress treatment can induce AhFC quickly. The expression of L increased, and then reached the maximum after 6h, and then began to decrease slowly. Compared with drought stress treatment, the AhFCl induced by salt stress was slowly rising, and the time needed to reach the peak was also relatively delayed, and the peak value reached to 12h, and then began to decline. (4) the germination rate of transgenic tobacco was significantly higher than that in the wild under salt stress. The heme of transgenic tobacco and wild type tobacco were decreased, but the content of heme of transgenic tobacco was significantly higher than that of wild type. The ROS content of transgenic tobacco leaves, MDA, electrical conductivity were significantly lower than that of wild type plants, while the activity of CAT, APX and other peroxidase activities in the heme supplemented group Although the SOD activity in transgenic tobacco and wild type tobacco leaves increased by salt stress, there was no significant difference between the two. The above results showed that overexpression of AhFCl gene increased the heme content and ROS scavenging ability of transgenic tobacco and alleviated the oxidative stress caused by salt. It is forced to enhance the salt tolerance of transgenic tobacco.
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