Egyptian heavy vacuum gas oil hydrotreating over Co-Mo/CNT a
發(fā)布時間:2021-09-02 15:18
The catalytic activity of CoMoS /CNT towards the Egyptian heavy vacuum gas oil hydrotreating was studied. The delivered CNT was functionalized with 6 mol /L HNO3. The CNT were loaded with 12% MoO3( by weight) and 0.7 Co /Mo atomic ratio with impregnation methods. The γ-Al2O3 catalyst was also prepared by impregnation method to compare both catalysts activities.The analysis tools such XRD,Raman spectroscopy,TEM,and BET were used to characterize the cata...
【文章來源】:燃料化學學報. 2016,44(07)北大核心EICSCD
【文章頁數】:9 頁
1 Experimental
1.1 Feedstock
1.2 Catalyst preparation
1.2.1 Synthesis and purification of carbon nanotube
1.2.2 Co-Mo loading
1.3 Catalyst characterization
1.3.1 X-ray diffraction
1.3.2 Transmission electron microscopy
1.3.3 Raman spectroscopy
1.3.4 Surface area measurement
1.4 Catalytic activity test
2 Result and discussion
2.1 X-ray diffraction
2.2 Transmission electron microscopy(TEM)
2.3 Textural characteristics of Co Mo/CNT
2.4 Raman spectroscopy
2.5 Catalytic activity
2.5.1 Effect of reaction temperature
2.5.2 Effect of hydrogen pressure
2.5.3 Effect of time
2.5.4 Effect of catalyst/oil ratio
3 Conclusions
[1]Synthesis and characterization of multiwall carbon nanotubes/alumina nanohybrid-supported cobalt catalyst in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis[J]. Ali Karimi,Bahram Nasernejad,Ali Morad Rashidi. Journal of Energy Chemistry. 2013(04)
[2]Support effects on the chemical property and catalytic activity of Co-Mo HDS catalyst in sulfur recovery[J]. Ali Nakhaei Pour,Ali Morad Rashidi,Kherolah Jafari Jozani,Ali Mohajeri,Payman Khorami. Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry. 2010(01)
[3]介孔炭作為加氫脫硫催化劑載體材料的研究(英文)[J]. 譚正立,肖惠寧,張潤鐸,ZHANG Zi-sheng,Serge Kaliaguine. 新型炭材料. 2009(04)
[4]碳納米管的表面修飾對Co-Mo催化劑HDS性能影響的研究[J]. 商紅巖,劉晨光,徐永強,趙會吉,宋懷河. 新型炭材料. 2004(02)
【文章來源】:燃料化學學報. 2016,44(07)北大核心EICSCD
【文章頁數】:9 頁
1 Experimental
1.1 Feedstock
1.2 Catalyst preparation
1.2.1 Synthesis and purification of carbon nanotube
1.2.2 Co-Mo loading
1.3 Catalyst characterization
1.3.1 X-ray diffraction
1.3.2 Transmission electron microscopy
1.3.3 Raman spectroscopy
1.3.4 Surface area measurement
1.4 Catalytic activity test
2 Result and discussion
2.1 X-ray diffraction
2.2 Transmission electron microscopy(TEM)
2.3 Textural characteristics of Co Mo/CNT
2.4 Raman spectroscopy
2.5 Catalytic activity
2.5.1 Effect of reaction temperature
2.5.2 Effect of hydrogen pressure
2.5.3 Effect of time
2.5.4 Effect of catalyst/oil ratio
3 Conclusions
[1]Synthesis and characterization of multiwall carbon nanotubes/alumina nanohybrid-supported cobalt catalyst in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis[J]. Ali Karimi,Bahram Nasernejad,Ali Morad Rashidi. Journal of Energy Chemistry. 2013(04)
[2]Support effects on the chemical property and catalytic activity of Co-Mo HDS catalyst in sulfur recovery[J]. Ali Nakhaei Pour,Ali Morad Rashidi,Kherolah Jafari Jozani,Ali Mohajeri,Payman Khorami. Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry. 2010(01)
[3]介孔炭作為加氫脫硫催化劑載體材料的研究(英文)[J]. 譚正立,肖惠寧,張潤鐸,ZHANG Zi-sheng,Serge Kaliaguine. 新型炭材料. 2009(04)
[4]碳納米管的表面修飾對Co-Mo催化劑HDS性能影響的研究[J]. 商紅巖,劉晨光,徐永強,趙會吉,宋懷河. 新型炭材料. 2004(02)