《Journal of Finance》 2005-04
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Based on the redefinition of bank insurance, the paper concludes the characteristics of bank insurance in China. First, bank insurance in China has a short history with rapid progress, but slows down in 2004. Second, the organization model is distribution agreements while banks and insurers are in a loose corporate relationship. Third, banks are part-time agents and its role has changed from captive agent to independent agent. At last, the products of bank insurance in China are mainly life insurance products, especially life insurance with dividend and fixed earn products. With the SWOT analysis, the paper points out the advantages and weaknesses of bank insurance in China, as well as opportunities and threats. Then four kinds of strategies are discussed.
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Chinese Journal Full-text Database 3 Hits
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2 Song Mingmin ZhuXudong;The Comparative Study of Bancassurance in Europe and its Significance to China[J];Journal of Finance;2000-11
Chinese Journal Full-text Database 10 Hits
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3 ZOU Hui-rong,FU Ya-ping (Anta Management School,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200030,China);The Prospect of Chinese Bancassurance[J];Commercial Research;2004-22
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7 Sun Rao;The Innovation of Mortgage Loan Property Insurance Plan[J];Insurance Studies;2007-06
8 Guo Song-ping;The Insurance Industry's Innovation in the New Era[J];Insurance Studies;2007-07
9 Zheng Rong-nian;The Bank-Insurance Cooperation Model under a Comprehensive Operation Environment[J];Insurance Studies;2007-10
10 Wang Yi-fei;A study on the underwriting system of information security insurance[J];Insurance Studies;2008-06
Chinese Journal Full-text Database 10 Hits
1 HU Xue et al(Department of Finance,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200052);Study of the Bank Assurance in China[J];Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences;2006-04
2 ZHU Hong(School of Economics,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China);The Current Situation and Prespect of Bank-insurance Cooperation in China[J];Commercial Research;2004-20
3 ZOU Hui-rong,FU Ya-ping (Anta Management School,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200030,China);The Prospect of Chinese Bancassurance[J];Commercial Research;2004-22
4 ZHENG Guo-ping,SHONG Ying (School of Trade and Administration,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China);On the Features and Proper Pattern of Bancassurance in China[J];Commercial Research;2005-03
5 HU Yu-hui(School of Finance,Jimei University,Xiamen,Fujian 361021,China);The Improvement of Customer Loyalty in Commercial Banks[J];Commercial Research;2006-06
6 XIE Chun-chang(School of Business Designing,Chongqing Business University,Chongqing 400067,China);The Theoretical Review on Marketing Mix[J];Commercial Research;2009-03
7 BO Lin-sen (Department of Economics, Chongqing Institute of Technology, Chongqing 400050, China);The System of Social Security of Korea and Its Revelation[J];Journal of Chongqing Institute of Technology Management;2001-03
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【Secondary References】
Chinese Journal Full-text Database 3 Hits
1 Zhu Qianyu Cao Fengqi;Development and Supervision of Insurance Industry in Hongkong: Its Experience and Implication[J];Studies of International Finance;2009-05
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【Secondary Citations】
Chinese Journal Full-text Database 2 Hits
1 Long Zhihe & Zhou Haoming;An Empirical Study of Precautionary Savings of Urban and Township Inhabitants in China[J];Economic Research Journal;2000-11
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