網(wǎng)友lfh2233102近日為您收集整理了關(guān)于MG公司基于戰(zhàn)略的人力資源共享服務(wù)中心研究的文檔,希望對您的工作和學習有所幫助。以下是文檔介紹:PANY’s STRATEGY BASEDHUMAN RESOURCESSHARED SERVICES CENTER STUDYABSTRACTHuman Resources management covers both strategic and traditionaladministration part.panies always face the challenge to integratethose two parts, lower the operationalcosts,increasethemanagementefficiency and service level. The Human Resources shared services centeremerged under this situation and became increasingly popular among theservice delivery models. The shared services center centralizes thetraditional administrativeHuman Resources, which provide different unitswith services, by locations within anization. The business partners,who directly workwith thebusinessdepartments,involve in decisions andactivities that have a great impact on business ess.Thethesisintroduced the whole transition journey of HumanResources shared servicescenter based onanalyzing pany’s strategy and applied thestrategyknow-how and Human Resources knowledge which was obtained duringMBA study. The thesis also providespersonal suggestion for bettermanaging Human Resources shared services center in the future accordingto dialogue and survey among the Human Resources person. I hope theintroduction ofHumanResources shared services center will be able toprovide somereferences for those who are considering consolidating theback-office Human Resources functions to make better use of the potentialsof the employees.KEY WORDS:strategyhumanresourcesmanagement, sharedservices2008417MBAMG11MBAMG2MBAMG3FIGURE 1 anization Chart of Traditional Human Resources Department,,,FIGURE 2 anization Chart of Human Resources Shared Services Center1-122-31-122-31-122-3-1-2-3MBAMG4
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