發(fā)布時間:2018-12-25 07:59
【摘要】:正患者男,70歲。2013年6月13日于北京協和醫(yī)院行全胃切除胃癌根治術(D2)與食管空腸Roux-en-Y吻合術。術后病理示:胃賁門中低分化腺癌,累及胃壁全層,緊鄰漿膜面,累及食管,距離食管斷端最近距離0.4 cm,淋巴結轉移癌(第6組0/5、胃小彎側9/18、胃大彎側0/9),免疫組織化學檢測HER-2(+)。臨床診斷:胃中低分化腺癌(pT3N3M0,ⅢB)。術后先后給予紫杉醇聯合替吉奧方案3個療程、單藥希羅達方案2個療
[Abstract]:The patient, 70 years old, underwent radical gastrectomy (D2) and esophagojejunostomy (Roux-en-Y) at Peking Union Hospital on June 13, 2013. Postoperative pathology showed that gastric cardia poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, involving the whole layer of gastric wall, adjacent serous surface, involving esophagus, and the nearest distance from the broken end of esophagus to 0.4 cm, lymph node metastasis (group 6 0 / 5, small curvature of stomach 9 / 18), HER-2 (). Was detected by immunohistochemistry. Clinical diagnosis: pT3N3M0, 鈪,
[Abstract]:The patient, 70 years old, underwent radical gastrectomy (D2) and esophagojejunostomy (Roux-en-Y) at Peking Union Hospital on June 13, 2013. Postoperative pathology showed that gastric cardia poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, involving the whole layer of gastric wall, adjacent serous surface, involving esophagus, and the nearest distance from the broken end of esophagus to 0.4 cm, lymph node metastasis (group 6 0 / 5, small curvature of stomach 9 / 18), HER-2 (). Was detected by immunohistochemistry. Clinical diagnosis: pT3N3M0, 鈪,