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關(guān)鍵詞: 病理環(huán)節(jié) 順式途徑 旁路途徑 中藥 水閘門評價方法
The Floodgate Effect on the Pharmacological Evaluation of Herbal Medicine Wang Zhimin Du Lijun Bi Kaishun
Diseases were the results of total nosogeneses exceeding over limit level of the human immunity Chemical medicine usually acts on the key enzyme or receptor in the pathological processes and cuts off the pathological process to stop the disease Drugs, acting on different pathological targets of a disease, could synengetically increase the effects of drugs while used together, and dealase the total nosogenetic power below the limit level of falling ill, i. e. whill immunity is over the nosogenetic power in human body, the disease could be inhibited or cured. To evaluate the total effect of multi - drugs acting on different targets of human body and explore the scientific connotation of traditional Chinese herbs and their combination, a method, named floodgate evaluation method, was set up Paths of pathological processes could be classified into two type sequence path and bypass path To evaluate total parallel effecting ratio of multicomponents in herbal medicine which acting on the sequence paths and bypass, the calculated expression formula were showed as in expression 1 and 2. This two simple mathematical models indicate that the total curative effect of multi - compounds in herbal medicine, due to different compounds acting on different targets with mild strength for certain targets in the pathological processes of a disease, exceed over than that of single drug or compound having very high strength for one target. The scientific background of traditional Chinese herbal medicine, contained different type compounds, to cure the disease, probably due to the comprehensive effects Of these compounds producing synergic roles upon multi - pathological targets of disease.
Keywords: Parallel path Floodgate evaluation method Sequence path Pathology Traditional Chinese herbal medicine