發(fā)布時間:2019-04-19 07:39
【摘要】:目的探討影響聲帶任克水腫(Reinke’s edema)嚴重程度的常見因素。方法對85例聲帶任克水腫患者按病變程度分為I度19例,II度49例,III度17例,分別對不同程度組患者的吸煙、嗓音濫用、喉咽反流的關系進行分析。結果 85例中,喉咽反流陰性67例,陽性18例;43例有嗓音濫用,42例無嗓音濫用;66例有吸煙史,19例無吸煙史,煙齡≤25年25人,25年41人。單項有序分類變量秩和檢驗及有序多分類logistic回歸模型分析顯示,煙齡超過25年(P0.001)、喉咽反流(P0.01)、嗓音濫用(P0.01)與聲帶任克水腫分度有關。所有患者均經全麻支撐喉鏡顯微鏡下行聲帶外側微瓣術,術后隨訪一年以上,7例復發(fā)。結論吸煙、喉咽反流、嗓音濫用與聲帶任克水腫分度及復發(fā)有關,其中煙齡影響較大,煙齡越長,水腫程度越重。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the common factors affecting the severity of vocal cord edema (Reinke's edema). Methods 85 patients with vocal cord edema were divided into I degree 19 cases, II degree 49 cases and III degree 17 cases according to the degree of lesion. The relationship among smoking, voice abuse and laryngeal reflux were analyzed. Results among the 85 cases, 67 cases were negative and 18 cases were positive, 43 cases had voice abuse, 42 cases had no voice abuse, 66 cases had history of smoking, 19 cases had no history of smoking, 25 cases had smoking age 鈮,
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the common factors affecting the severity of vocal cord edema (Reinke's edema). Methods 85 patients with vocal cord edema were divided into I degree 19 cases, II degree 49 cases and III degree 17 cases according to the degree of lesion. The relationship among smoking, voice abuse and laryngeal reflux were analyzed. Results among the 85 cases, 67 cases were negative and 18 cases were positive, 43 cases had voice abuse, 42 cases had no voice abuse, 66 cases had history of smoking, 19 cases had no history of smoking, 25 cases had smoking age 鈮,