脫氫表雄酮對Aβ 25-35 小鼠海馬神經再生的影響及其分子機制
發(fā)布時間:2020-12-13 21:44
背景成年哺乳動物海馬齒狀回的神經干細胞能分化為神經細胞稱為神經發(fā)生。神經發(fā)生過程主要包括干細胞增殖、前體細胞存活和分化、新生神經元的成熟、突觸形成和神經回路整合4個階段。這些新生神經元具有與成熟顆粒細胞相似的結構和功能特性,能與CA3區(qū)的錐體細胞建立突觸聯系,并產生突觸傳遞和誘發(fā)突觸可塑性。海馬的神經發(fā)生也已被證明與空間認知功能有關。因此,成年的神經發(fā)生被認為能取代和修復由于自然老化或病變造成的神經元缺失,最大限度地維護腦的結構和功能。阿爾茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)是一種以進行性認知功能障礙為特征的神經系統退行性疾病。新生神經元是否能替代病變的神經元,改善AD的認知功能障礙已成為AD研究的一個新靶點。研究發(fā)現,AD腦海馬的干細胞增殖有增加的趨勢,前體細胞向神經元的分化比例明顯減少,同時新生神經元的存活率顯著降低,并且新生神經元的突起生長異常。這些研究都已證實,AD腦的神經再生過程受到嚴重的損害,提示神經再生障礙可能是AD認知功能進行性減退的重要病理機制之一。甾體激素脫氫表雄酮(Dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA)及它的硫酸酯DHEA...
【文章頁數】:80 頁
圖 5 DHEA 能阻止 Aβ25-35損害新生神經細胞的存活DHEA prevents Aβ-impaired survival of newborn neurons. The bar graph showthe mean density of 28-day-old BrdU+ cells from control mice (white barsAβ25-35-mice (black bars) and Aβ25-35-GOX mice (hatched bars). *P<0.05 an**P<0.01 vs. vehicle-treated mice; ##P<0.01 vs. control mice treated with DHEAEach group data contained 8 mice.27
0 DHEA激活σ1受體保護Aβ25-35小鼠海馬新生神經元的下游分子PI3K和mActivation of PI3K and mTOR is required for DHEA-neuroprotection.K inhibitor U0126, the PI3K inhibitor LY294002, the PKC inhibitor chelerytthe mTOR inhibitor rapamycin was administered at 30 min before DHEA-injeBrdU-D6-12. The bar graph shows the mean density of 28-day-old BrdU+ <0.01 vs. Aβ25-35-mice treated with DHEA. Each group data contained 8 mic
【文章頁數】:80 頁
圖 5 DHEA 能阻止 Aβ25-35損害新生神經細胞的存活DHEA prevents Aβ-impaired survival of newborn neurons. The bar graph showthe mean density of 28-day-old BrdU+ cells from control mice (white barsAβ25-35-mice (black bars) and Aβ25-35-GOX mice (hatched bars). *P<0.05 an**P<0.01 vs. vehicle-treated mice; ##P<0.01 vs. control mice treated with DHEAEach group data contained 8 mice.27
0 DHEA激活σ1受體保護Aβ25-35小鼠海馬新生神經元的下游分子PI3K和mActivation of PI3K and mTOR is required for DHEA-neuroprotection.K inhibitor U0126, the PI3K inhibitor LY294002, the PKC inhibitor chelerytthe mTOR inhibitor rapamycin was administered at 30 min before DHEA-injeBrdU-D6-12. The bar graph shows the mean density of 28-day-old BrdU+ <0.01 vs. Aβ25-35-mice treated with DHEA. Each group data contained 8 mic