staphylococcus sp 的翻譯結果
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staphylococcus sp
Compared to that of cefotaxime alone, MIC90 of cefotaxime/ tazobactam against gram negative bacterium was 0. 25 -16 mg· L-1 ,1-32 times higher than that of cefotaxime. . MIC50 of cefotaxime/ tazobactam against Staphylococcus sp. was 0. 125-16 mg·L-1, 1-32 times higher than cefotaxime, MIC90 was 1-32 mg·L-1, 2-8 times higher than cefotaxime .
與頭孢噻肟單劑相比,對革蘭陰性菌 的MIC90為0.25-16 mg·L-1,活性提高1-32倍,對葡萄球菌MIC50為0.12- 16 mg·L-1,活性提高1-32倍,MIC90為1-32 mg·L-1,活性提高2-8倍。
sp was the predominant community, whose numberable colony counted 2.05×109mL-1, and the detection rate as high as 100%. It revealed that Staphylococcus sp. could be the normal flora in the larva’s intestine. And the other isolates can only be detected occasionally;
從腸道中分離純化出12 個不同菌群,其中優(yōu)勢菌群為葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus ),菌群數(shù)量為2.05×109mL-1,檢出率100%,應為幼蟲腸道中的常住菌群,其它菌群檢出率均低于50%,可能為腸道中的過路菌群。
According to the result of preliminary identification, strain BAFRT4 and strain CYGS1 pertain to Staphylococcus sp. and Pseudomonas sp., respectively.
Result Escherichia coli (65.12%) and Staphylococcus sp (15.50%) were main pathogens in community-acquired urinary tract infections.
An algae-lytic bacterium DC21, isolated from Lake Dianchi, Yunnan, was identified to be a species belonging to genus Staphylococcus (Staphylococcus sp.) .
In this study, we isolated four bacteria (Pseudomonas mendocina DC10, Staphylococcus sp. DC21, Bacillus cereus DC22 and Flavobacterium branchiophila DC-P) and investigated their lytic abilities and mechanisms.
Isolation,identification and algae-lytic characteristic of a bacterium Staphylococcus sp.
2) On the basis of biochemical and morphological test, strain DC10, DC21, DC22 and DC-P were identified respectively as Pseudomonas mendocina, Staphylococcus sp., Bacillus cereus and Flavobacterium branchiophila by China Center Type Culture Collection (CCTCC).
J101 was a coccus, Staphylococcus sp., it could grow well in bacterial liquid medium which had 20% NaCl and pH10. It had the resistance to 6mmol/L Cd~(2+)、30mmol/L Pb~(2+)、4mmol/L Zn~(2+)、2mmol/L Cu~(2+)、6mmol/L Ni~(2+)、16mmol/L Mn~(2+) and 4mmol/L Cr~(6+) in bacterial agar medium.
,能夠在液體細菌培養(yǎng)基中耐NaCl高達20%、耐堿高達pH10; 在含6mmol/LCd2+,30mmol/LPb2+、4mmol/LZn2+、2mmol/LCu2+、6mmol/LNi2+、16mmol/LMn2+和4mmol/LCr6+細菌瓊脂培養(yǎng)基上能夠生長.
sp . and C.
sp. C and F.
,Staphylococcus spp.
、葡萄球菌屬(Staphylococcus spp.)
查詢“staphylococcus sp”譯詞為用戶自定義的雙語例句
staphylococcus sp
The production of an alkali-stable xylanase, with dual pH optima, from haloalkalophilic Staphylococcus sp.
Improved xylanase production from a haloalkalophilic Staphylococcus sp.
Amino acids such as DL-2-amino-n-butyric acid, DL-alanine, L-lysine monohydrochloride, DL-valine and L-proline enhanced total xylanase production from Staphylococcus sp.
Enhanced production of xylanase from Staphylococcus sp.
Arthrospiraplatensis SAG 21.99 and the isolated bacteria (Halomonas spp., Staphylococcus sp., etc.) from the culture of A.
Airborne bacterial samples were collected from 1108 locations in Beijing-Tianjin area. 7 locations on the vertical axis of the area were selected for airborne bacterial flora study and 12 locations in Beijing area with quite different environment were picked up to study the dominant bacteriaa nd the colonies with different culture characteristics. Totally 383 strains belong to 10 genus and groups were recognized and some species were identified as well. The dominant airborne bacterial in the area are Micro-coccus...
Airborne bacterial samples were collected from 1108 locations in Beijing-Tianjin area. 7 locations on the vertical axis of the area were selected for airborne bacterial flora study and 12 locations in Beijing area with quite different environment were picked up to study the dominant bacteriaa nd the colonies with different culture characteristics. Totally 383 strains belong to 10 genus and groups were recognized and some species were identified as well. The dominant airborne bacterial in the area are Micro-coccus sp., Staphylococcus sp. and Bacillus sp.etc.
Abstract A fowl octo-allied inactivated vaccine was developed using eight bacterial species(P.multocids,Sal.pullorum,Sal.typhosa,E.colt,Streptococcus sp. Staphylococcus sp.P.aeroginosa,B.Lichniformis)isolated from native affecteded flocks,An improved Martin agar medium was used to cultrue the bacteria.The propolis was used as adjuvant.8 weeks old chicks were inoculated i.m.with a dose of 2ml per bird,and a strong immunity emerged 2 weeks after vaccination.The duration of immunity lasted for 6 months....
Abstract A fowl octo-allied inactivated vaccine was developed using eight bacterial species(P.multocids,Sal.pullorum,Sal.typhosa,E.colt,Streptococcus sp. Staphylococcus sp.P.aeroginosa,B.Lichniformis)isolated from native affecteded flocks,An improved Martin agar medium was used to cultrue the bacteria.The propolis was used as adjuvant.8 weeks old chicks were inoculated i.m.with a dose of 2ml per bird,and a strong immunity emerged 2 weeks after vaccination.The duration of immunity lasted for 6 months. This vaccine could be stored in 4℃ for more than 10 months. Good preventive results were obtained after applying this preparation in affected farms.
A bacteria strain which was able to biodegrade o Nitrophenol and grow on it as sole carbon, nitrogen and energy sources, was isolated from a cab vessel. The strain can release nitrite from o Nitrophenol,which can be tested by Gress liquid, and it also break the carbon circle of o Nitrophonl. The strain was identified as staphylococcus sp.
從實驗室長期存放的三硝基酚試劑瓶中 ,分離到一株能以鄰硝基酚為唯一碳氮源生長的細菌 ,經(jīng)初步鑒定為葡萄球菌 (Staphnykococcussp .LT) .在降解試驗中可直接檢測到亞硝酸根離子 (NO- 2 )的釋出 ,用薄層層析方法觀察到了降解中間產(chǎn)物的存在 .
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