發(fā)布時間:2018-03-21 19:35
本文選題:推拿治療 切入點:心理治療 出處:《湖北中醫(yī)學院》2007年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文
【摘要】: 目的: 椎動脈型頸椎病(CSA)是臨床常見疾病,發(fā)病率在頸椎病的發(fā)病率中占第二位。其臨床癥狀相當復雜,主要集中表現(xiàn)在由于椎—基底動脈供血不足引起的癥狀上。如:偏頭痛、眩暈、記憶力減退、精神抑郁、焦慮等,這些癥狀在患者臨床檢查出頸椎疾患之前就可出現(xiàn),患者往往并非針對頸椎疾患治療,而在神經(jīng)內(nèi)科和心血管內(nèi)科長期治療。由于這些精神癥狀出現(xiàn)病程較長,且癥狀較為明顯,臨床上與頸椎癥狀相互影響,加重病情,使患者生活質(zhì)量下降。 臨床上對于CSA的治療主要以非手術治療方法為主,且非手術治療的療效大概在90%以上,例如推拿和心理療法。推拿是一種臨床非手術治療CSA的有效手段。心理治療是應用心理學的原理、定義、手段和技巧,改善病人的情緒,提高疾病的認識,矯正病人的病理心理和異常行為,從而減輕病痛的一種療法。主要分為暗示與認知、疏導等方面。所以對于CSA產(chǎn)生的各種精神心理癥狀應對癥配合相應的精神心理治療,以提高相應的臨床療效。 本觀察在導師的指點下,回顧文獻,根據(jù)綜合治療的原則,采用推拿手法配合心理治療的綜合治療法治療CSA,并在臨床上觀察治療效果、癥狀、體征、治療滿意度等方面來探討這種療法的療效。為臨床提供一種針對CSA的綜合治療方法。 方法: 60例臨床觀察對象均為湖北中醫(yī)學院附屬門診的患者,根據(jù)相關診斷依據(jù),篩選出精神心理癥狀較嚴重的椎動脈型頸椎病患者。隨機平均分為三組,治療組采用推拿手法配合心理治療的綜合治療方法,手法對照組采用單純的推拿手法治療的治療方法,心理對照組采用單純的心理治療方法,分別觀察三組臨床癥狀、體征方面的變化,比較兩種治療方法的臨床療效和治療后的滿意程度。 結果: 1.治療組總有效率100%,手法對照組總有效率80%,心理對照組總有效率60%。三組總有效率之間有顯著性差異(P<0.05)。 2.就三組患者治療前、后的癥狀與體征等進行統(tǒng)計。三組病例治療前在癥狀及體征上進行比較,P=0.821>0.05,無統(tǒng)計學意義(擊頂試驗、屈頸試驗、椎動脈扭曲試驗除外),表明治療前三組患者在癥狀與體征上基本具有可比性,治療后三組在癥狀及體征改變上進行比較,P=0.029<0.05,有顯著性差異,說明治療組與兩組對照組在改善癥狀與體征方面均有效。 3.三組患者在治療后癥狀及體征積分進行比較,在癥狀與體征的積分改善具有非常顯著差異(P<0.01),治療組明顯優(yōu)于兩組對照組。 4.治療組治療后滿意度100%;手法對照組治療后滿意度80%。心理對照組治療后滿意度65%,治療組的滿意率明顯優(yōu)于兩組對照組,P<0.01差異有非常顯著意義。 結論: 推拿手法配合心理療法治療椎動脈型頸椎病,有很好的療效,能夠顯著的改善患者的臨床癥狀、體征,并且治療后患者對治療結果的評價為滿意。根據(jù)這些指標,表明推拿手法配合心理治療的近期療效和遠期療效優(yōu)于單純的推拿手法治療和單純的心理治療,不失為臨床上治療椎動脈型頸椎病的一種有療效的綜合治療方案。
Cervical spondylosis of vertebral artery type (CSA) is a common clinical disease, the incidence rate in the incidence of cervical spondylosis accounted for second. The clinical symptoms are very complicated, mainly manifested in the due to vertebrobasilar insufficiency. The symptoms such as: migraine, dizziness, memory loss, depression, anxiety, these the symptoms of patients before clinical examination of cervical vertebra disease can occur, patients are often not for treatment of cervical disease, but long-term treatment in neurology and cardiology. Because of these mental symptoms and symptoms of longer duration, more obvious clinical symptoms of cervical spine, and influence each other, aggravate the disease, so that the quality of life of patients decreased.
Clinically for the treatment of CSA mainly by non surgery method of treatment, and the clinical effect of non-surgical treatment in about 90% or more, such as massage and psychotherapy. Massage is an effective treatment for clinical non operative CSA. Psychological treatment is a principle, application of the definition of psychology, methods and skills, improve the patient's mood, improve the understanding of the disease, the patient's pathological and psychological correction of abnormal behavior, so as to reduce the pain of a therapy. Mainly divided into hints and cognition, counseling and other aspects. So for the CSA to produce a variety of psychological symptoms in coping with psychological treatment, in order to improve the curative effect accordingly.
The observation of literature review in the teacher's guidance, and according to the principle of comprehensive treatment, the comprehensive treatment of massage and psychological therapy method for the treatment of CSA, and observe the therapeutic effect, clinical symptoms, signs, treatment satisfaction and so on to explore the curative effect of this therapy. Provide a comprehensive method for the clinical treatment for CSA.