從歷史有效性看兩位譯者漢譯Uncle Tom's Cabin
發(fā)布時間:2023-10-17 17:29
本文擬從伽達默爾的哲學闡釋學角度對林紓和張培均兩位譯者所譯的兩版《黑奴吁天錄》進行描述性文本分析,以歷史的有效性作為理論依據(jù),從歷史有效性的時間延異維度觀察意義在空間差異中的流變,考察清末民初和新中國改革開放初期譯本文學樣式的變化與意義的傳達及其歷史性原因,同時論證復譯的必要性,認可不同歷史階段的各個譯者對翻譯文學發(fā)展和創(chuàng)作,乃至于人文的啟蒙所作的卓越貢獻。 闡釋學濫觴于古希臘,在其發(fā)展演變的歷史長河中,闡釋學與文學的解讀逐漸密不可分。文學在審美和感染力層面所蘊含的抽象意義總是不斷地被理解為各種與原意義相似又相異的新意義。在哲學闡釋學中,伽達默爾將這一現(xiàn)象認定為認知主體間視域的融合。視域的融合從根本上帶有時間的屬性,因而歷史的有效性是視域融合、意義演變的核心規(guī)律。 《黑奴吁天錄》以政治小說的面貌第一次出現(xiàn)于半殖民地半封建社會的中國,由林紓與人合譯。隨后一直未有全譯本問世。在新中國第二次翻譯高潮中再又同時出現(xiàn)了兩個全譯本。張培均的譯本與林譯同名,因異化成分較多,長期以來被翻譯文學史忽略,但從該譯本的篇幅、注釋和序言等各個方面看,張培均的譯本亦應得到翻譯研究者同等的關注。 本文發(fā)現(xiàn),歷史有...
【文章頁數(shù)】:63 頁
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research significance
1.3 Structure of the Dissertation
2.Literature Review
2.1 Studies of Chinese translations of Uncle Tom's Cabin
2.2 Relevant researches on hermeneutics
3.Theoretical Framework
3.1 Effective history:A key concept in Gadamer's modern hermeneutics
3.2 Enlightenment of effective history upon literary translation
3.2.1 Historicality of fore-meaning in translation literature
3.2.2 Fusion of horizons in literary translation
4.Uncle Tom's Cabin and Its Chinese Translators
4.1 Harriet Beecher Stowe and her literary creation
4.2 Literary position of Uncle Tom's Cabin
4.3 The two translators and their historical horizons
4.3.1 Lin Shu and his patriotic motive in translation
4.3.2 Zhang Peijun and his belief in authentic translation
5.Hermeneutic Analysis of the Two Chinese Translations
5.1 Different choices of literary forms due to poetic influences
5.1.1 Biography v.s. prose as narrative genre
5.1.2 Third-person subjectiveness v.s. third-person omniscience of narrative mode
5.2 Different representations of characterization due to political influences
5.2.1 Block v.s. conveyance of Christian culture
5.2.2 Resistance v.s. obedience hidden beneath the characters' dialogues
5.3 Different treatments of original figures of speech due to personal pre-understanding
5.3.1 Lin Shu's manipulation of culture-loaded images
5.3.2 Zhang Peijun's maintenance of original rhetorical devices
【文章頁數(shù)】:63 頁
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research significance
1.3 Structure of the Dissertation
2.Literature Review
2.1 Studies of Chinese translations of Uncle Tom's Cabin
2.2 Relevant researches on hermeneutics
3.Theoretical Framework
3.1 Effective history:A key concept in Gadamer's modern hermeneutics
3.2 Enlightenment of effective history upon literary translation
3.2.1 Historicality of fore-meaning in translation literature
3.2.2 Fusion of horizons in literary translation
4.Uncle Tom's Cabin and Its Chinese Translators
4.1 Harriet Beecher Stowe and her literary creation
4.2 Literary position of Uncle Tom's Cabin
4.3 The two translators and their historical horizons
4.3.1 Lin Shu and his patriotic motive in translation
4.3.2 Zhang Peijun and his belief in authentic translation
5.Hermeneutic Analysis of the Two Chinese Translations
5.1 Different choices of literary forms due to poetic influences
5.1.1 Biography v.s. prose as narrative genre
5.1.2 Third-person subjectiveness v.s. third-person omniscience of narrative mode
5.2 Different representations of characterization due to political influences
5.2.1 Block v.s. conveyance of Christian culture
5.2.2 Resistance v.s. obedience hidden beneath the characters' dialogues
5.3 Different treatments of original figures of speech due to personal pre-understanding
5.3.1 Lin Shu's manipulation of culture-loaded images
5.3.2 Zhang Peijun's maintenance of original rhetorical devices