發(fā)布時間:2023-05-06 06:05
釋意理論1以其獨特的口譯角度已經(jīng)引起了國內(nèi)很多學者的重視,而釋意理論中出現(xiàn)的兩個重要概念,即認知知識和提喻關(guān)系,更為深刻地體現(xiàn)了釋意理論的精髓。其中關(guān)于認知補充和認知知識的功能性出現(xiàn)了多篇相關(guān)論述文章,例如采用圖式理論加以解釋,但少見與認知語言學的結(jié)合。而對于提喻關(guān)系,亦即意義的顯性和隱性結(jié)合對于口譯理解及表達的影響也鮮有文章論述。 本文力圖結(jié)合認知語言學的研究成果支撐釋意理論中關(guān)于意義的顯性/隱性對口譯的影響一說。本文首先詳細介紹了釋意理論的發(fā)展以及三組關(guān)鍵概念,然后引入認知語法的認知域概念以及語義的認知分析,這兩組理論的闡述為后文的提喻和隱喻的認知分析打下理論基礎(chǔ)。提喻的修辭學定義是用部分代替整體或以整體代替部分,這在釋意理論中用以指代語言是意義的顯性部分,需結(jié)合語言符號的隱性成分,即調(diào)用認知補充來理解意義。 基于認知語法分析,Langacker認為意義就是以認知域為背景的概念形成過程,大多數(shù)概念都是抽象域,而每一個抽象域都依據(jù)基本域(即原始表征域)形成的,從而說明每一個概念本身就存在圖形/背景結(jié)構(gòu),即每一個概念都會觸發(fā)認知知識中的其他相關(guān)概念,而概念構(gòu)成短語,短語構(gòu)成篇章,因此每...
【文章頁數(shù)】:48 頁
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Cognitve Analysis
1.3 Significance and Possible Contributions
1.4 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Historical Development of Interpretation
2.2 Theoretical Development of Interpretation Theory
2.3 Dynamic Factors During Interpretation
2.3.1 Dynamic Process of Interpreting
2.3.2 Dynamic Cultural Factors in Communication
2.3.3 Dynamic Language in Communication
2.3.4 Dynamic Emotive Inputs of an Interpreter
Chapter Three Concepts and Working Mechanism of the Interpretive Theory
3.1 The Interpretive Theory
3.2 Three Groups of Key Concepts
3.2.1 Correspondence and Equivalence Three Levels of Language Three Levels of Interpretation
3.2.2 De-verbalization and Triangle Model
3.2.3 Sense Unit and Cognitive Complement Implicit and Explicit Component Sense Unit Cognitive Complement
3.3 Social Linguistic View of Cognitive Knowledge
Chapter Four Cognitive Domain and the Interpretive Theory
4.1 Features and Objective of the Cognitive Grammar Theory
4.2 Concept of Domain and Others
4.2.1 Basic Domain
4.2.2 Encyclopedic Nature of Domains
4.2.3 Semantic Description and Context
4.3 Cognitive Grammar and the Interpretive Theory
Chapter Five Combination of Synecdoche and Metaphor with the Interpretive Theory
5.1 Synecdoche
5.1.1 Definition and Linguistic Analysis
5.1.2 Working Mechanism of Synecdoche
5.2 Synecdoche in the Interpretive Theory
5.3 Metaphor
5.3.1 Definition of Metaphor
5.3.2 Conceptual Metaphor
5.3.3 Working Mechanism of Conceptual Metaphor
5.4 Metaphor and the Interpretive Theory
5.5 Cognitive Application in Interpretation
Chapter Six Conclusion
【文章頁數(shù)】:48 頁
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Cognitve Analysis
1.3 Significance and Possible Contributions
1.4 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Historical Development of Interpretation
2.2 Theoretical Development of Interpretation Theory
2.3 Dynamic Factors During Interpretation
2.3.1 Dynamic Process of Interpreting
2.3.2 Dynamic Cultural Factors in Communication
2.3.3 Dynamic Language in Communication
2.3.4 Dynamic Emotive Inputs of an Interpreter
Chapter Three Concepts and Working Mechanism of the Interpretive Theory
3.1 The Interpretive Theory
3.2 Three Groups of Key Concepts
3.2.1 Correspondence and Equivalence Three Levels of Language Three Levels of Interpretation
3.2.2 De-verbalization and Triangle Model
3.2.3 Sense Unit and Cognitive Complement Implicit and Explicit Component Sense Unit Cognitive Complement
3.3 Social Linguistic View of Cognitive Knowledge
Chapter Four Cognitive Domain and the Interpretive Theory
4.1 Features and Objective of the Cognitive Grammar Theory
4.2 Concept of Domain and Others
4.2.1 Basic Domain
4.2.2 Encyclopedic Nature of Domains
4.2.3 Semantic Description and Context
4.3 Cognitive Grammar and the Interpretive Theory
Chapter Five Combination of Synecdoche and Metaphor with the Interpretive Theory
5.1 Synecdoche
5.1.1 Definition and Linguistic Analysis
5.1.2 Working Mechanism of Synecdoche
5.2 Synecdoche in the Interpretive Theory
5.3 Metaphor
5.3.1 Definition of Metaphor
5.3.2 Conceptual Metaphor
5.3.3 Working Mechanism of Conceptual Metaphor
5.4 Metaphor and the Interpretive Theory
5.5 Cognitive Application in Interpretation
Chapter Six Conclusion