發(fā)布時間:2023-04-21 03:15
作為一名翻譯家,張今與朱光潛是新中國翻譯史上第一批將西方美學經(jīng)典介紹給中國讀者的譯者。他曾譯過美國帕克的《美學原理》以及英國鮑桑葵的《美學史》,還譯過華盛頓·歐文的《華盛頓》——書中詳細講述了美國首位總統(tǒng)的一生。張今,和許淵沖、傅雷一道還被稱為新中國翻譯研究文藝學派的奠基者,他為新中國的文學翻譯和翻譯研究事業(yè)做出了巨大貢獻。他的翻譯思想集中體現(xiàn)在他的《文學翻譯原理》一書中。 作為一名思想家,張今在辯證法方面頗有研究。辯證法的運用是他翻譯思想的主要特點,給他的翻譯研究帶來了無窮的活力,使得他的翻譯思想更加理論化和系統(tǒng)化。伽達默爾的哲學闡釋學也有其深深的辯證法淵源,基于這一點,本文試用伽達默爾哲學闡釋學中的“視域融合”理論作為理論框架分析張今翻譯思想的發(fā)展變化及其文學翻譯策略。 本文共分五個章節(jié): 第一章是概述部分,作者對翻譯家張今的生平和翻譯活動、翻譯家研究以及過往對張今的研究進行了總體回顧,最后指出本文的研究目的、方法和結(jié)構(gòu)。 第二章主要介紹了張今的文學翻譯觀點及其翻譯思想中的辯證法因素。 第三章是理論框架,主要介紹了伽達默爾哲學闡釋學中的“視域融合”理論、辯證法因素及其在翻譯中的應(yīng)用...
【文章頁數(shù)】:65 頁
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 General Review of Zhang Jin as a Translator
1.1.1 Zhang’s life Experience
1.1.2 Zhang’s Translation Activities
1.2 Literature Review
1.2.1 General Review of the Study of Translators
1.2.2 General Review of the Study of Zhang Jin
1.3 Objective, Methodology and Organization
Chapter Two Zhang Jin’s Translation Thoughts
2.1 Zhang’s Views on Literary Translation
2.1.1 Nature and Type of Literary Translation
2.1.2 Process of Literary Translation
2.1.3 Method and Criterion of Literary Translation
2.1.4 Translation of Cultural Characteristics
2.1.5 Literary Translator’s Duty and Self-cultivation
2.2 Distinguishing Features of Zhang’s Translation Thoughts
Chapter Three Gadamer’s Theory of “Fusion of Horizons”
3.1 Dialectic in Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics
3.1.1 Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics and Dialectic
3.1.2 Feasibility of this Study
3.2 Prejudice, Understanding, Interpretation and Fusion of Horizons
3.3 “Fusion of Horizons”in Translation
Chapter Four Zhang Jin’s Translation Thoughts from the Perspective of “Fusion of Horizons”
4.1 Two Times of “Fusion of Horizons”of Zhang’s Translation Thoughts
4.1.1 The First “Fusion of Horizons”
4.1.2 The Second “Fusion of Horizons”
4.2 Zhang’s Translation Strategies
4.2.1 Prejudice Horizons as Important Factors of Translation
4.2.2 Increase of the Resemblance Degree of Two Main Horizons and Coordination of the Relationship between all Horizons
4.2.3 A Harmonious Unity between the Content and Form of the TT with the ST’s Horizon as its Starting Point, a Combination of Domestication and Foreignization and a Full Play of the Translator’s Creativity
Chapter Five Conclusion
【文章頁數(shù)】:65 頁
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 General Review of Zhang Jin as a Translator
1.1.1 Zhang’s life Experience
1.1.2 Zhang’s Translation Activities
1.2 Literature Review
1.2.1 General Review of the Study of Translators
1.2.2 General Review of the Study of Zhang Jin
1.3 Objective, Methodology and Organization
Chapter Two Zhang Jin’s Translation Thoughts
2.1 Zhang’s Views on Literary Translation
2.1.1 Nature and Type of Literary Translation
2.1.2 Process of Literary Translation
2.1.3 Method and Criterion of Literary Translation
2.1.4 Translation of Cultural Characteristics
2.1.5 Literary Translator’s Duty and Self-cultivation
2.2 Distinguishing Features of Zhang’s Translation Thoughts
Chapter Three Gadamer’s Theory of “Fusion of Horizons”
3.1 Dialectic in Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics
3.1.1 Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics and Dialectic
3.1.2 Feasibility of this Study
3.2 Prejudice, Understanding, Interpretation and Fusion of Horizons
3.3 “Fusion of Horizons”in Translation
Chapter Four Zhang Jin’s Translation Thoughts from the Perspective of “Fusion of Horizons”
4.1 Two Times of “Fusion of Horizons”of Zhang’s Translation Thoughts
4.1.1 The First “Fusion of Horizons”
4.1.2 The Second “Fusion of Horizons”
4.2 Zhang’s Translation Strategies
4.2.1 Prejudice Horizons as Important Factors of Translation
4.2.2 Increase of the Resemblance Degree of Two Main Horizons and Coordination of the Relationship between all Horizons
4.2.3 A Harmonious Unity between the Content and Form of the TT with the ST’s Horizon as its Starting Point, a Combination of Domestication and Foreignization and a Full Play of the Translator’s Creativity
Chapter Five Conclusion