本文選題:美自身的領(lǐng)域 + 認識論美學。 參考:《西南大學》2011年博士論文
【摘要】:本文以美自身為視點,通過對當代中國美學思想形態(tài)轉(zhuǎn)變過程的歷時性掃描,指出當代中國美學一方面在努力克服先前美學思想弊端的同時,另一方面又不可避免地對美產(chǎn)生新的誤解,把美要么當作人的認識,要么把美看作是人類的實踐活動,甚至認為美是人的全部生命的最高表現(xiàn)形式,因而出現(xiàn)了遮蔽美、懸置美和放大美的“非美化”現(xiàn)象。為消除這一理論失誤,當代中國美學必須回到美自身的領(lǐng)域,使美學真正能夠以美為沉思對象,以美為自身規(guī)范和追求向度。 就時間來說,當代中國美學展開于上世紀五六十年代美學大討論時期,但就思維方式來說,它發(fā)端于三四十年代周揚所倡導的、由蔡儀建立起來的“新美學”!靶旅缹W”為當代中國美學研究確立起兩種思維模式:一是把哲學上解決思維與存在關(guān)系所區(qū)分出來的唯物主義和唯心主義濫用到美學領(lǐng)域,并與主流政治意識形態(tài)掛鉤,認為感覺、觀念、情感、意識等一律是反唯物論原則的,是主觀唯心的東西,也是反動沒落的資產(chǎn)階級的東西;二是把馬列主義認識論的反映論原則機械地運用到美學研究當中,在哲學認識論框架中闡釋美,認為既然辯證唯物主義認識論告訴我們,認識是對客觀世界的反映,那么美感自然也就是對“美”的感受,“美”因而必然是客觀存在的。 認識論美學克服了西方傳統(tǒng)美學抽象玄思的局限性,使當代中國美學立足大地,關(guān)注社會與人生,具有豐厚充實的社會內(nèi)容。但它把美等同于人的認識,回避了美與認識關(guān)系這一美學核心課題,轉(zhuǎn)移了美學視線,簡化了美學研究內(nèi)容。再加受到上述兩種思維模式的制約,認識論美學將美的客觀性當作毋庸置疑的前提接受下來,導致那場看似轟轟烈烈的美學論爭實質(zhì)上只是一場尋找美的客觀性的狂歡活動,論爭各派之間的提問和詰難并不全部是就美自身來展開的,論爭的話語偏離了美,美因而被遮蔽。 實踐論美學是在與機械客觀主義美學斗爭中發(fā)展起來的,雖然帶有認識論痕跡,但它重視主體在審美活動中的意義,在內(nèi)容和形式上比反映論美學更加完善,成為當代中國美學的獨特形態(tài)。實踐論美學把馬克思主義實踐觀直接應(yīng)用于美學領(lǐng)域,認為審美主體是由實踐活動決定的,審美對象是由實踐創(chuàng)造的,審美過程也是通過實踐來完成的,因此實踐是人類審美活動的條件和根源。實踐論美學的最大失誤是把馬克思主義實踐論哲學等同于美的科學,將人的本質(zhì)等同美的本質(zhì),討論的是人的本質(zhì)和人的歷史生成問題而不是美的問題,美因而被懸置。 本體論美學是反思批判實踐論美學的結(jié)果,它包括為了超越實踐論美學而廣泛借鑒西方現(xiàn)代哲學思想建立起來的生命美學、超越美學和生存論美學等后實踐美學,也包括為捍衛(wèi)實踐論美學立場而發(fā)展起來的實踐存在論美學和新實踐美學。本體論美學把實踐論美學中具有本體意義的“實踐”范疇替換成生命、存在、自由、超越等,并以之為本體確立起本體論思維方法,然后把人的終極意義還原落實到生存、自由和超越等上面來,讓人類的審美活動承擔起實現(xiàn)人生終極價值的重擔,美就成為全部生命的最高表現(xiàn)形式。本體論美學把美放大成生命的全部,忽略了美自身,美是什么同樣不得求解。 從機械反映論美學到實踐論美學再到本體論美學這一歷史轉(zhuǎn)換過程表明,當代中國美學每一新形態(tài)的確立都是建立在對上一美學思想局限性地批判反思之上,充分顯示出當代中國美學反躬自省、向美回歸的熱情,只不過由于社會時代條件和傳統(tǒng)文化習性的制約,每一次發(fā)問之后難免落入另一窠臼。如今,在多元文化背景下,在后現(xiàn)代文化場域里,我們應(yīng)該承續(xù)當代中國美學固有的反思精神,帶著“向美回歸”的熱情,回到美自身的領(lǐng)域,讓美學在美的向度上重新出發(fā)。 回到美自身的領(lǐng)域并非抽象空泛的口號,它有確切的歷史根據(jù)和堅實的內(nèi)容?档乱韵闰炁械姆绞椒謩e檢視了人類的認識原則、倫理原則和情感原則,為傳統(tǒng)的認識、道德和審美三大領(lǐng)域翻開了嶄新的一頁?档陆沂玖嗣琅c認識、美與道德之間的復雜關(guān)系,剖析了美自身的生成機制,使美自身首次以獨立自足的面目在人類心靈中呈獻出來。康德美學因此具有本源性意義,后來西方各派美學幾乎都能在康德那里找到起源和根據(jù),就是因為他們是在繼承、批判和吸收康德美學思想的基礎(chǔ)上發(fā)展起來的?档聻槊绖澾叾ń,指出了美的獨立自足性,這是美學的規(guī)范,是美學的方向。只有在這種規(guī)范和方向上,我們才不會把美當作認識,當作實踐,甚至當作人生的全部,也只有在這種規(guī)范和方向上,我們才能更深入地探討美與認識、實踐與社會人生的關(guān)系,才能進一步接近美自身,而避免“非美化”或“泛美化”現(xiàn)象。 海德格爾看到傳統(tǒng)形而上學對存在研究的誤區(qū)之后,高揚胡塞爾“面向事情本身”的大旗,回到前蘇格拉底哲學時代,回到存在本身,翻轉(zhuǎn)了研究存在的路徑。我想,我們學習海德格爾的方法難道不比學得他一兩個新的名詞和術(shù)語更具有意義嗎?
[Abstract]:In order to eliminate this theory , contemporary Chinese aesthetics must return to the realm of beauty itself , so that aesthetics can be regarded as the object of beauty itself , and the beauty can be regarded as its own standard and the pursuit of the degree .
In terms of time , contemporary Chinese aesthetics is unfolding in the discussion of aesthetics in the 1950s and 1960s , but in the way of thinking , it originated from the " new aesthetics " advocated by Zhou Yang in the 1930s .
The second is to apply the principle of anti - reflection of Marxism - Leninism to the study of aesthetics , and explain the beauty in the framework of philosophical epistemology , and think that since the dialectical materialism epistemology tells us that understanding is the reflection of the objective world , then the aesthetic feeling is the feeling of beauty , and beauty is therefore inevitable .
The aesthetic conception of epistemology overcomes the limitations of the western traditional aesthetics , makes the contemporary Chinese aesthetics based on the earth , pays attention to the society and life , and has rich social content . However , it takes the aesthetic view and simplifies the content of aesthetic research .
The aesthetics of practice is developed in the struggle with the aesthetics of mechanical objectivism . Although there is a trace of epistemology , it attaches great importance to the significance of the subject in aesthetic activities , and becomes the unique form of contemporary Chinese aesthetics .
The aesthetics of ontology is the result of reflective critical practice aesthetics . It includes the aesthetics of life , beyond aesthetics and the aesthetics of existence , and the aesthetic and new practice aesthetics .
From the perspective of mechanical anti - reflection aesthetics to the aesthetic of practical theory and the historical transformation of ontology aesthetics , the establishment of each new form of contemporary Chinese aesthetics is based on the critical reflection of the limitation of the previous aesthetic ideology . It shows that the contemporary Chinese aesthetics is self - introspection and the enthusiasm for returning to the United States . Now , in the background of multi - cultural background , we should continue to reflect on contemporary Chinese aesthetics , with the enthusiasm of " returning to the US " , and return to the field of beauty itself , and let the aesthetics re - start in the degree of beauty .
Kant ' s aesthetic principle , the principle of ethics and the principle of emotion , which have been developed on the basis of inheriting , criticizing and absorbing Kant ' s aesthetic thoughts , have revealed the relationship between beauty and understanding , beauty and morality , and only in this norm and direction , we can explore the relationship between beauty and understanding , practice and social life , so as to further close to the beauty itself , and avoid " non - beautification " or " Pan - Americanisation " .
After he saw the erroneous zone of the traditional metaphysics on the existence of the study , Hansser ' s " face - to - matter " big flag , back to the former Socrates philosophy era , returned to the existence itself , reversed the path of the study . I think it is more meaningful to learn the method of Heidelberger than to learn his two new terms and terms ?
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