發(fā)布時間:2019-01-09 14:49
【摘要】:正 廣告是否成功,要看他是否“攻取”了顧客的心。 那么這種寫作設計有哪些竅門呢? “引人注意”是其中之一。 這是任何廣告都要走的第一步。商品不引人注意,根本談不上其它。但引人注意也不是一件容易的事情。如果在空寂的大街上大喊一聲,自然引人注意?墒乾F(xiàn)在是在“喧鬧”的都市,要引人注意可就難了。在震耳欲聾的廣告聲中,突然,寂靜下來,然后,輕聲細語地說出自己的產(chǎn)品,這反倒讓人注意了;在編排緊密的報紙上,突然出現(xiàn)一塊空白,上面只是簡單地寫上幾個字,卻能頂?shù)蒙弦黄昶笳摗?br/>[Abstract]:Whether the positive advertisement is successful or not depends on whether he "captures" the customer's heart. So what are the tricks of this writing design? "attention" is one of them. This is the first step in any advertisement. The goods were not noticed at all, not at all. But attracting attention is not an easy thing to do. A shout in an empty street would naturally attract attention. But now in a noisy city, it's hard to attract attention. In the deafening sound of advertising, suddenly, silent down, and then, in a whisper of their own products, but this is noticed; In a tightly arranged newspaper, a blank appeared, which was simply a few words, but could stand up to a big article.