“The realism” a word appears most early in France’s literary work, afterwards isdeveloped in the entire plastic arts domain, and finally in the19th century30’s Francetake an unprecedented scale realism fine arts movement as the beginning, becomes inofficially the artistic domain a cross time milestone. But starts until on century20’s,Western realism only then inrushes China by the sculpture form, also had hundredyears history in China. In these hundred years vicissitudes, the realism sculpture andthe entire China’s specific social environment, is having the relation throughout withthe native place people’s special energetic style and the life condition, and is playingthe vital role in the different historical period. This article has all carried on the keyanalysis and the research from the realism to the realism sculpture, elaborates theChinese present age realism sculpture importance and the practical significance bythis.Speaks of the realism, it utilized the realism thought in China’s traditional culturealso to create many outstanding works, for example Northern Song Dynasty timepainter Zhang Zhaiduan "In Pure Brightness River Chart" and so on all was createstake the real life as the basis. At the beginning of the20th century, the Chinese firstgeneration of sculptors study abroad France, after several years they study become thereturn, and has brought back to the Western practical technique primarily sculpturecreation method. Henceforth, practicalizes the primarily realism sculpture to obtainthe development rapidly in the20th century China. This article mentions from therealism concept then extends to the realism sculpture origin, from the Western realismsculpture to on century China realism sculpture development course, it may be saidtake the history as the clue, take the fact as the guidance, again in elaboration realismto Chinese sculpture significant influence. Returned looks at the beginning of acentury to1949that turbulent age, by now realism sculpture the first stage whichdeveloped in China, the entire China all occupied at that time in the turmoil of warenvironment, in this kind of special situation, the artistic youth who was ambitiousgave up individual thought emotion mostly in the artistic expression, mobilized the general people to organize the vast Sino-Japanese War mighty current in abundance,and bounden investment to this mighty current in; On the other hand simultaneously,because is in the chaos caused by war people, also urgently needs from art to obtainthe spiritual consoling with the mind inspiration, therefore can reflect the people’s reallife directly, also easily the realism art which was understood by the populace, thenbecomes the artist common choice, this artistic form sculpture work in abundanceemerges immediately on the like mushroom growth.From1949to1978, was therealism sculpture the second stage which developed in China, new China just wasfounded, have a hundred things to do, Soviet Union had the socialism nature realismsculpture to introduce, used for to manifest people’s in revolutionary war age difficultyears and the sacrifice spirit, reflected revolutionized and constructs the strugglecourse and the real life. Therefore, may say under the time impetus, the realismbecame at that time the Chinese fine arts mainstream ideological trend, this was thespecific time history makes to cause to so.After80’s, the reform development economical policy enable China’s economyto obtain the swift and violent development, the realism sculpture also said goodbyeformerly serves for politics, served the pattern for the ideology, started to return tosculpture oneself, carried on the esthetic rule the exploration, asked in the sculptureform and the sculpture language to strive for to change newly, carries on the boldexploration and the breakthrough. This time sculpture domain faces the pairs tochallenge greatly, on the one hand is overseas: As a result of the reform and openpolicy and the economical globalization, cause between the country and the countryare day by day frequent in the cultural exchange, dissemination ways and so onnetwork, media convenient have accelerated between artist’s exchange interaction.Western nation modern art each kind of style form turbulent enters in the Chinesepresent age art, part of sculptors for sculpture external form in “new”, for with theWestern present age art “the trail connection”, starts to the Western country to havesculpture style copying verbatim, the copy. Caused the Chinese present age sculptureart to lose the native place cultural linguistic environment, has lost own words power,caused the Chinese present age sculpture art to be at one kind after the culture to colonize cultural the condition; On the one hand moreover the challenge is domestic:After China implements the reform and open policy, the market economydevelopment, caused China to enter the expense principle time, the mass cultureobtained the dissemination rapidly, manifested in the sculpture is “thecommercialization”, the sculpture work by the massive duplications, is carried on asthe commodity the expense, caused the contemporary sculpture to lose the culturalconnotation foundation, has been far away the social environment, was more andmore far with masses’ aspiration esthetic level, only was pauses in the superficialstimulation, the contemporary sculpture work becomes monotonous, is tasteless, ismediocre.This article unifies several contemporary realism sculptor regarding the lifeattention, the energetic significance which transmits regarding society’s interventionas well as their work conducts the concrete analysis research, is for the purpose ofindicating the contemporary realism sculpture the importance.From the present age,the sociality, the regional three different angles analyze elaborate the Chinese presentage realism sculpture significance and the value. Encouragement present age sculptorsregarding society realistic and real question attention, regarding human’s survivalcircumstances and the state of mind attention, appealed the sculptor takes in shouldermorality and justice, the responsibility and the conscience truly.This article research significance lies in, expected we the sculptor and the artisticcritic together diligently, establish a set for China’s contemporary art to belong ownabout the contemporary art theory and the criticism standard system, thus causes theartistic theory the standard guidance function which practices to art should have, thenenables our present age realism sculptor to use own work realization and the Westerncountry true equality dialogue.Finally enable the Chinese present age realismsculpture the path to walk far.
淺析中國當代現(xiàn)實主義雕塑的意義 摘要4-7Abstract7-9引言11-12第一章 現(xiàn)實主義雕塑的歷程12-21 第一節(jié) 現(xiàn)實主義的概念12-14 第二節(jié) 現(xiàn)實主義雕塑的淵源14-16 第三節(jié) 現(xiàn)實主義雕塑的發(fā)展歷程16-21 (一)20 世紀初到 1949 年18-19 (二)49 年到 1978 年19-21第二章 中國當代現(xiàn)實主義雕塑的表現(xiàn)形式21-28 第一節(jié) 塑造生活21-24 第二節(jié) 精神寫實24-25 第三節(jié) 自我探索25-28第三章 中國當代現(xiàn)實主義雕塑的特征28-32 第一節(jié) 當代性28-29 第二節(jié) 社會性29-30 第三節(jié) 地域性30-32第四章 中國當代現(xiàn)實主義雕塑的重要性及雕塑家的重任32-36 第一節(jié) 社會環(huán)境32-34 (一)國內(nèi)32-33 (二)國外33-34 第二節(jié) 雕塑家的人文關懷34 第三節(jié) 雕塑文獻的理論支持34-36結論36-37參考文獻37-38后記38