[Abstract]:The main content of this paper is the image of journalists in American films. From the past research, the domestic research on the image of journalists in American films is very few, while the foreign research on the image of journalists in films focuses on the classification of these images. However, this paper is different from the traditional research method of simple classification of these reporter images. On the basis of summing up the common characteristics of reporter images in a certain period of time, this paper analyzes the causes of the formation and change of these images, and tries to interpret the complex relationship between them and various rights mechanisms such as politics, culture and so on through this visible change. Historical change is the main path of this paper. Based on history, this paper focuses on the journalism films that appeared from 1946 to 1976. This paper is divided into four chapters, in each chapter, with the method of text analysis, the representative films of different times are discussed in detail, and some regular characteristics of the reporter image in the film are summarized. The image of journalists in Hollywood films was formed between the silent film era and the late 1930s, and during the period studied in this paper, there were about 700 films describing the press or journalists. In the 1940s and 1950s, the image of journalists in most films did not change significantly compared with the late 1930s, that is, charismatic heroism, but some films completely subverted the traditional image of journalists, which characterized journalists as cynical and morally low. During the period studied in this paper, the dramatic changes in American society and the emergence of emerging media have obviously changed the audience's expectations for the image of journalists in the film. Social and historical factors and technical factors play an important role together. By the late 1960s and early 1970s, due to the popularity of television and the emergence of television journalists, the traditional reporter image can no longer be applied to the new media world. In addition, this paper sets up a chapter to use the theory of "deep description" for Cold Media (1969), which is compared with two aspects of American society in the 1960s, namely, film realism culture and TV news culture.
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