[Abstract]:This paper begins with Kevin Lynch, a famous urban theorist in the United States, and chooses Kaohsiung films from 2003 to present as the research object through the analysis of film art. The purpose of this paper is to study the composition of Kaohsiung urban elements in these films, and to analyze the artistic techniques used in urban expression and the functional effects of urban expression. The study found that Kaohsiung Harbor (including Xinguang Wharf and True Love Wharf) appeared most frequently in Kaohsiung films after 2003, followed by Love, Feijin, MRT Station and the 85th Building complex. It can be seen that the concentrated elements are: landmarks and Kaohsiung films before the 1990s. The urban elements are: Xiziwan, Kaohsiung railway station, downtown color screen, container terminal, etc. This is the Kaohsiung city before the 90 s the most urbanization characteristics of the elements. In Kaohsiung Port and the two Art zones, the "New Bay area of Asia" has been launched, from heavy industry to manufacturing to cultural creativity. Against the backdrop of the transformation of tourism and other industries, Kaohsiung films have also shifted their focus to Kaohsiung Harbor (including the Hsinguang Wharf, True Love Wharf), MRT stations and the 85th Building, which are the elements of Kaohsiung's urban characteristics after the 21st century. This paper holds that Kaohsiung films play a strong role as a medium of communication in the development of the port competitive advantage in Kaohsiung, the construction of a city port for sightseeing and tourism, as well as the cultural industry with port characteristics, the creative concept of the Kaohsiung film and its attitude towards the city. It changed with the development of urbanization in Kaohsiung and was deeply influenced by the government's film policy. Because the city of Kaohsiung was naturally influenced by the tropical seas of the south, coupled with the development of policies, Kaohsiung in the film shows its enthusiasm and optimism, simple, inclusive and open spiritual character and tenacious vitality.
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