Numerous facts have told us that successful companies, enterprises only attach great importance to product updates and development, in order to improve and maintainproduct competitiveness in the market, and the final completion and achieve business objectives. In the company product updates and development process, the coreisdesign , and what kind of design strategy is to design the key to success. (Baolin Xu; Shiming Wan, 2013) This is through the study of the impact of Design Strategy for Interactive Design and Customer Selection to elaborate the design strategy for enterprise development. And by the typical type of case design strategy, to illustrate the importance of design strategy.
Table of contents
Abstract 3
Introduction 3
Literature Review 6
Research and Methods 15
Findings 16
Case study 34
Discussion and Summary 49
Reference List 51
Appendix A 55
Appendix B 56
Reference List文獻
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