Mixed method混合方法
發(fā)布時間:2016-05-13 08:36
Motivation and attitude are regarded as the successful second language acquisition (SLA) prediction results (Gardiner and Lambert 1972; Gardiner 1985, 1988; Noel et al 1994 Dornyei. 2003). However, the motivation is to construct characteristic also depends on the situation and environment, the second language (L2) learning (Gardiner 1988; Ryan and decided to 2000). Although some literature has explored Chinese learners of English language experience problems, these have been studied in local settings. There is a lack of international background of two language acquisition, Chinese students in literature. Researcher Clement kruidenier and echo (1983) study call replication in other settings and culture under the context of foreign language learning motivation. Therefore, this study will explore in a university in the international context in the UK and Chinese students' second language learning motivation problem.
1.2.2 Research objectives
CHAPTER 2: Literature Review
English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
2.2 The Chinese-speaking ESL student
2.7 Language Structural differences
2.8 Willingness to communicate
2.9 Conclusion
3.1 Mixed Methods Research design
3.6 Qualitative phase (Phase 1)
3.8 Data analysis strategies
Relations between the two shows that if L2 students have strong intrinsic motivation to learn a broader understanding of students English learning and only English extrinsic motivation transfer request, they do not put as much energy into to practice the language, they achieve the desired results, which will stop the learning process, and from the language acquired a deeper understanding of inhibition learners.
The Chinese government is currently promoting English learning. In order to help some Chinese students to learn English, they provide free tuition for students who choose to study abroad is to recognize students participated in the study . However, this measure has not done enough for most Chinese students. Fight in foreign universities for Chinese students to learn is doubled, because they must first understand before we can understand their chosen field of language lessons. They can be more academically competitive in foreign universities, if you learn enough English language acquisition in their formative years in primary education. Therefore, the present study suggests that the Chinese government attention and in elementary, middle and high school education programs give priority to learning English , in order to give the younger generation a chance , competitive studies, and in their future careers.
In the language of the training process, students learn skills to get “satisfactory examination results, instead of being taught how to practice and gain communication skills. So, naturally, academic problems.
The current study investigated the problem of how to learn English Chinese students face, and provides an overview of a variety of factors influence others. However, studies of the individual elements of the difference between the student, and therefore carried out a quantitative phase to confirm the results obtained from the qualitative data. The proposal, part of this study, future research should focus on the study appeared to see their English learning factor causation. In this manner, each factor may be more extensive and more direct conclusion may cause.
Relationship between the external and internal negative correlation guide English grades, not significant, it is interesting. This may be useful for future research is to develop a method to measure the provision of learning.
Strategies to overcome them, students are relying on L2 application is to practice listening, in the face of difficulties, writing, speaking and reading the language. Environment, this approach is in the UK, where the environment is more effective than other students to learn English.
The present research aims to answer the research question “what are the difficulties that Chinese students in the UK universities are facing in learning English language” from the findings of the data analysis, it can be concluded that a main problem that affects learning English is difficulty in the structural differences among English and Chinese. The differences in vocabulary, alphabet systems and grammar rules between English and Chinese are major issues that students are facing in learning English.
With regard to motivation, although this aspect has been seen to be associated with other factors affecting learning, it is not an issue that Chinese students face in learning English. The data clearly shows that the motivation of these students to learn English is very high, the external motivators of the students include getting their degree and acquiring a good job although the internal motivators do not seem very clear to the participant learners.
The survey revealed that they also rank high in intrinsic orientation. This kind of motivation pushes the students to learn more and to overcome these barriers.
The strategy that most of them use involves a lot of practice by speaking, reading, writing and listening. The research confirms the effectiveness of practice in learning the English language. The environment in the UK is ideal for learning the English language.