Most scientists have considered the concept of ‘objectivity’ as their fundamental principle in studying something on nature or on society. ‘Objectivity’ has become the more important than other knowing styles with the development of technology and economy. Some scientists also think of objectivity as the most wonderful success or accomplishment in the history of Western culture. However, in recent years, objectivity has been doubted in some areas, which has been accused of being used by the powerful people to reach certain goals for a long time. Although the attention on objectivity is also continuous, the focus on it has become a little less than before in the scientific feeds. The status of objectivity has been very high in both the natural and physical sciences, but some people also argue that objectivity is not as important in social science as in the past. There are many issues that have been put forward by the critics in the social sciences. Some of the issues will be discussed in the paper.
1.2The meaning of ‘objectivity'
There are many various definition and ideas on objectivity. The word ‘objectivity’ is now used by people in some confusing ways. At present, the word meaning of objectivity consists several aspects, such as the metaphysical, moral and methodological respects, which has created some issues in itself (Charles, 1969). In order to offer some discussion on the issues of setting up objectivity in the social sciences, the essay will try to describe the true meaning of objectivity and the meaning of it to the people who employ it. This explanation is very important in preventing the readers from becoming lost in the peripatetic which means the Labyrinth of fraudulent ‘chimeras', mythical, positivist-like and foundationalist. This paper will help readers to avoid the wrong interpretations by expounding the illusive terms, which will also provide an insightful analysis on the history of it, such as the origin of the usage of ‘objectivity’, the ending of it and the present status of it. After clarifying the tight relationship between objectivity and subjectivity, the paper will analyze some necessary problems in setting up objectivity owing to the rejection of the value-free studies on society-culture and the usage of the concept of Paradigms (Christos, 1995). In the essay, the critical tradition and the consensual validation will also be employed as the methods to solve the issues of objectivity. Although objectivity tends to loss the battle in epistemology and the theory of standpoint displays one of the most intense arguments against objectivity. The concise overview on the meaning of objectivity discussions will offer a common consensus on the meaning of objectivity, which shows that the discussion is open as well and may be for the future.
2.0The interpretation on the implication of ‘objectivity’
2.1The consensual definition of ‘objectivity’2.3The dualism of objective-subjective
3.0The views of Max Weber
3.1 The methods fail to offer objectivity to the study on social nature
3.2 The introduction of ‘relative objectivity’
3.3The achievement of objectivity in judgment
4.0The acquisition of objectivity
4.1 The conceptualizations on objectivity of various theorists
4.2 The objectivity and the social liberation movement
5.0The adoption of the open ideological study
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