1.0 Introduction介紹
The article is to analyze what reason is there in the influence of gender identity of young children through reading and analyzing two articles. The first is about the influence of gender identify of young children which is made by kindergarten teachers. As everyone knows, the words and deeds of education methods and effect made by teachers have very important impact on young children is very important. The other one is
impact of young children's gender identity which is made by Disney. The article is referring to Disney, but in fact it means the influence of gender identify of young children which is made by media. In this paper,
combining the meaning of two articles, will introduce the influence of young children's gender identity
which is made by the kindergarten teacher and mass media, and to seek out the best way of young children's sex education.
2.0 Journal Articles 1期刊論文1
Topic: Dealing with gender in the classroom: a portrayed case study of four teachers
Elida Giraldo and Julia Colyar received 25 November 2009; final version received 26 November 2009
This paper emerges from a qualitative case study that takes place in a US preschool setting and explores teachers’ influences on the construction of children’s gender identities. According to postmodern theories of gender, identity is constructed and constituted through social interactions and performances. This study focuses on the gender identities constructed as preschool teachers and students interact and learn. In this portrayed case study, we combine the methodological elements of case study and portraiture. Portraiture methods enhance the traditional case study process, authorizing a more considered presentation of participants and context. Four teachers at one preschool setting are portrayed. Some of the findings include the teachers’ awareness of the importance of their interactions with students and the impact they have on students’ gender performances. We also suggest that teachers need more resources and self-awareness regarding their own gender performances; teachers’ self-knowledge may be important in disrupting gender-stereotyped teaching and social constructions, and in creating more inclusive learning spaces for all students.
3.0 Journal Articles 2期刊論文2
Topic: The boys who would be princesses: playing with gender identity intertexts in Disney Princess transmedia
Karen E. Wohlwend received 4 August 2011; final version received 23 January 2012
This paper using data from a 3-year ethnographic study in US early childhood classrooms, they examine two kindergarten boys’ classroom play with their favorites Disney Princess transmedia to see how they negotiated gender identity layers clustered in the franchise’s commercially given storylines and consumer expectations. This analysis contributes necessarily synergetic methods of analysis that enable critical examination of the complexity in children’s play interactions with popular media artifacts as collaborative and heteroglossic negotiations of gender. Mediated discourse analysis of action and multimodality in boys’ Snow White princess play makes visible how children pivoted and anchored their performances as they negotiated, played, and blurred boundaries among gender identity intertexts
4.0 Synthesis合成
“Disney’s media production and marketing practices reflect market research that analyses children’s preferences according to market segments stratified by age and gender categories: preschool girls’ versus preschool boys’ preferences. This gender division resonates with ‘the boy problem’, a prominent educational belief that boys are particularly disadvantaged by overly feminized curriculum in their early schooling” (Martino 2004).
From kindergarten to start to pay attention to the bad impact of young children's gender role orientation
made by mass media. How to eliminate the mass media dissemination of gender misleading, and play a
positive role in young children's gender socialization process? On one hand, it requires media to have
self-discipline and self-examination, reflect gender roles truly and objectively, taking care of children
psychological acceptability when it play young children's programs; On the other hand, we need to start from the environment of learning of young children’s life in kindergarten, to help them to establish the concept of gender role through various means.
Kindergarten teachers can play gender roles in society in the games and language learning activities. To describe the penetration of media objectively in the regular education, improve young children’s discrimination and awareness and ability of criticism of violence, sexism, and other’s negative effects through role play. Teachers can also enable young children to understand the media false reports through the use of multimedia audio-visual equipment, to help young children to improve discrimination ability of the media by using the way of commentary and reminding, let the young children understand media is not necessarily true in the description, getting a good habit of thinking from childhood. “Within pretend play, children must coordinate their portrayals of media roles and character actions, making it necessary at times to stop playing to work out who is being which who-doing-what within the context of the pretence”(Sawyer 1997; Gee, 2010).
Tell the correct view of gender to tell their young children through some educational games, tell young
children the differences in the boy and the girl gender through the simple game. Such as the game of "play
house", which is played by parents and young children, can let the female children play mother, male
children play father, penetrating view of equality between men and women in the course of the game, tell the young children the difference between men and women and manifested in the physical, and it has no
difference in the others. And this game also conducive to young children's empathy. “What it means to be female and male is socially agreed upon and reproduced by the participants of the transaction. Viewing gender in this way invites a re-examining of supposedly neutral or natural actions, or taken-for-granted meanings” (Canella and Viruru 2004; Jenks 2004).
In the preschool years, children show awareness of trait stereotypes that differentiate males and females. For example, they assign power to males and fear and helplessness to females (Ruble and Martin 1998). Avoid the gender bias in play roles, as far as possible to make young children the choose to play the role of different sex. To play in contrast with the traditional gender roles in preschool, kindergarten teacher should be timely recognition and praise. The kindergarten teachers should make themselves as an example, affect the young children do what they like; they should encourage young children especially girls do an independent personality in real life. Not just a gender bias in evaluating young children
1. Canella and Viruru 2004; Jenks 2004
2. Martino 2004
3. Ruble and Martin 1998
4. Sawyer 1997; Gee, 2010