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This research is a feasibility report to evaluate whether it is possible to open a gym in China. As the evidence shown in the research background, it is possible to open a gym in China because of the great market potential. Therefore, this main aim of this research is to figure out the optimal target customers and marketing development strategy for opening a gym in China by the aid of relevant marketing theories. This research uses mixed research methods and both primary data and secondary data were collected and analysed. Based on all of the analytical results, this research supports that it is feasible to open a gym in Chengdu, Sichuan China. Furthermore, some detailed proposals for developing a suitable market strategy are put forward.

Chapter 1-Introduction
1.1. Industry background
1.1.1. The history of gym industry
古希臘被認(rèn)為是世界體育場(chǎng)館的起源。據(jù)歷史記載,幾千年前的古希臘,人們喜歡做體育鍛煉,,尤其是做練習(xí)在一起。有很多特別的地方為他們做運(yùn)動(dòng)在古希臘。但是,正常的公共場(chǎng)所不能幫助他們抵御惡劣的天氣。其結(jié)果是,最早的體育場(chǎng)館是由古希臘的政府成立。政府有他們的想法,當(dāng)他們建造的最早的體育場(chǎng)館。他們?cè)噲D鼓勵(lì)公民建立自己的身體。當(dāng)然,這些體育場(chǎng)館被指控是免費(fèi)的。古希臘的政府提供健身房的目的是提供戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)和公共游戲(例如古代奧運(yùn)會(huì))服務(wù)?梢钥隙ǖ氖亲钤绲捏w育場(chǎng)館只需要簡(jiǎn)單的設(shè)施和設(shè)備。這些相關(guān)設(shè)備不能與目前的體育場(chǎng)館“(薩克雷,2011)進(jìn)行比較。Ancient Greece is regarded as the origin of world gyms. According to historical record, thousands of years ago in ancient Greece, people love doing physical exercise, especially doing exercises together. There are many special places for them to do exercise in ancient Greece. However, normal public place cannot help them to resist the bad weather. As a result, the earliest gyms were set up by the government of Ancient Greece. Government had their mind when they built the earliest gyms. They tried to encourage citizens to build up their body. Of course, these gyms were charged for free. The purpose of Ancient Greece government to offer gyms is providing services for war and public games (e.g. ancient Olympic Games). It is sure that the earliest gyms just have simple facilities and equipment. Those related equipment cannot be compared with present gyms’ (Thackeray, 2011).

Acknowledgements 3
Abstract 4
Chapter 1-Introduction 5
1.1. Industry background 5
1.1.1. The history of gym industry 5
1.1.2. The development of gym industry 5
1.1.3. The Chinese gym industry 6
1.2. Marketing background 7
1.2.1. The demands of physical exercise 7
1.2.2. The demand of guy in China 7
1.3. Research questions 8
1.4. The structure of the dissertation 9
Chapter 2- Literature Review 9
2.1. Introduction 9
2.2 Marketing research 10
2.2.1 Macro environmental research 10
2.2.2 Micro environmental research 10
2.2.3 Consumer behaviour research 11
2.3 Marketing segmentation 14
2.3.1 Demographic variables 15
2.3.2. Geographic variables 20
2.4. Marketing mix strategy 20
2.5. Conclusion 20
Chapter 3- Methodology 21
3.1. Research philosophy 21
3.2. Research methods and data collection 22
3.3. Interview question design 24
3.4. Ethical consideration 25
3.5. Data analysis 25
3.5.1. Quantitative data analysis 25
3.5.2. Qualitative data analysis 26
3.6. Conclusion 27
Chapter 4- Data analysis and discussion 27
4.1. Introduction 27
4.2. Macro environment analysis 27
4.3. Marketing segmentation 29
4.4. Understanding the target customers 30
4.4.1. Self-concept 30
4.4.2. Lifestyle 31
4.4.3. Motivations of participate in sports 31
4.4.4. Barriers of doing sports in gyms 32
4.5. Conclusion 32
Chapter 5- Conclusion 33
5.1. Proposed marketing mix strategy of opening a gym in China 33
5.1.1. Product 33
5.1.2. Price 33
5.1.3. Promotion 34
5.1.4. Place 34
5.1.5. People 34
5.2. General management implications 35
5.3. Limitations 35
References 37
Appendices 43


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