HAM 公司大客戶滿意度下降的原因與對策研究
ChapterⅠ Introduction
1.1 Background
Epoxy resins are generally refers to organic molecules containing two or more epoxy groups, except for a few, but they are not high relative molecular mass. The molecular structure of epoxy resin based on molecular chain containing epoxy groups for lively characteristics of epoxy groups may be located at the end of the molecular chain, in the middle or into a ring structure. Since the molecular structure contains a lively epoxy groups, so that they can react with the cross-linking various types of curing agents to form insoluble polymer having three to mesh structure. Molecular structure of a polymer compound containing epoxy groups collectively referred to as an epoxy resin. The cured epoxy resin has excellent physical and chemical properties, its surface of the metal and non-metallic materials having excellent adhesion strength, good dielectric properties, variable set small shrinkage, good dimensional stability, high hardness, Flexibility is good, and most of the solvent on a stable base, which is widely used in various sectors of national defense, national economy, for pouring, dipping, laminating materials, adhesives, coatings and other purposes.
According to statistics, in 2013 global production reached 2.3 million tons of epoxy resin, epoxy resin 2015 global production will reach 2.5 million tons; The Status of epoxy resin industry has learned from the domestic market, China's consumption of epoxy resin more than 40 percent of global consumption. China has become the world's largest consumer market in the epoxy resin. It is predicted that the next few years, China's demand for epoxy resin compound annual growth rate can reach 10% in 2015 demand will reach 1.3 million tons, accounting for over 50% of the global epoxy consumer market.
1.2 Purposes and Significance
According to the Chinese report released hall 2014--2018 China's Epoxy Resin Industry Development Forecast Report shows that the current domestic production of epoxy resin enterprises have more than 100 small average size of 100,000 tons above the level of enterprises have four, 50,000 tons enterprise level and above have 12, while special epoxy resin manufacturers less, less than 10, and most did not realize the scale of production, epoxy resin production enterprises bigger and stronger difficult, mainly because of the high pollution cost, small companies cannot develop in a short time. "Twelve Five" period, the national cleaner production in an important position in the future under the dual pressures of national policies and market competition, epoxy resin industry will have most of the closure of small and micro enterprises are facing difficulties, the elimination of backward production capacity, increase Industry concentration is the future trend of epoxy resin industry.
Faced with domestic economic growth decline, investment and exports decline, weak demand, overcapacity serious, traditional manufacturing industry has ushered in a survival of the fittest reshuffle action, industry concentration further increased the importance of KA sales is growing. In this context, traditional manufacturing companies need to adopt measures to improve the loyalty of KAs, reduce the loss of KAs. This paper analyzes HAM KA sales and market share decline was due to take appropriate measures with a large customer management theory, the ultimate goal is to solve the traditional industries and enterprises for sustainable development, as well as how to improve the competitiveness of enterprises to provide a reference for other companies.
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review
2.1 Core Concept
2.1.1 Relationship Marketing
Professor Leonard ? L ? Berry, Texas A & M University in 1983, in a report in the American Marketing Association's earliest relationship marketing has made the following definition: "Relationship Marketing It is to attract, maintain and enhance customer relationships, "in 1996 and give a more comprehensive definition." Relationship marketing is to identify in order to meet business goals and stakeholders carried out to establish, maintain and promote relations with consumers’ procedure, if necessary, terminate the relationship only through exchange and commitment to achieve. "Industrial marketing specialist Barbara ? B ? Jackson (1985) described as "relationship marketing focus on attracting, developing and retaining customer relationships." from the relationship marketing industry marketing. Morgan and Hunt (1994) understand the relationship marketing from the economic and social exchange differences that the relationship marketing "is intended to establish, develop and maintain relations campaigns exchange." Gummesson (1990) from the competitive network is defined relationship marketing, believes that "the market is seen as relationship marketing on relationship, interaction with the network."
2.1.2 Customer Relationship Management
CRM is defined: corporate use appropriate information technology and internet technology to coordinate the interaction between enterprises and customers in sales, marketing and services, so as to enhance their management, to provide customers with innovative personalized customer interaction processes and services. Its ultimate goal is to attract new customers, will retain old customers and existing customers into loyal customers.
2.1.3 Key Account Marketing
Key account marketing, in a nutshell is a series of KAs marketing mix. Key accounts are with respect to general consumers, mainly channel or corporate clients, for enterprises which create more profits, need specialized implement marketing strategies for KAs. Key accounts include several aspects of meaning. Firstly, KAs are corporate customers in a handful of leading customers, they create business profit of the current and future; secondly, KA should be a potential source of corporate business development; thirdly, KAs are those customers should achieve sales targets business plays a vital role; fourthly, in defining large customers, it is necessary to focus on now, also concerned about the future, both are equally important. From purchasing body is concerned, the main large customers purchasing either from the structure, the procurement process, procurement roles, or staff relations are complex organizational; from the procurement scale, mainly for KAs often high technical content, professional and very strong or purchase a large quantity of goods, their purchasing decisions influenced by the price of relatively small; from procurement, large customers tend to buy relatively low frequency, purchase goods mostly belonging to a single species, quantity; from the enterprise to KAs select the marketing.
2.2 Base Theory
2.2.1 Transition among 4Ps-4Cs-4Rs
Professor McCarthy, American Marketing scholars made famous 4P marketing mix strategies, namely Product, Price, Place and Promotion in 1960’s. After long-term development, it has appeared 6P, 10P, but the core is still the 4Ps.
4C theory was advanced by the American Marketing expert Professor Peng Laut made in 1990; it is consumer demand, re-set the four basic elements of the marketing mix: the Consumer, Cost, Convenience and Communication. It stressed that companies should put pursuit customer satisfaction in the first place, followed by efforts to reduce customer acquisition cost, then the customer should be fully aware of buying process convenience, and not from a business to determine the sales channel strategy, finally it should also be consumer-centric implement effective marketing communication. Compared with the product-oriented theory 4P, 4C theory have made great progress and development, it attaches to customer-oriented to pursuit customer satisfaction as the goal, which is actually more of today's consumers in the marketing initiative in the market for Habitat business imperative.
At the beginning of the 21st century, "4R Marketing" author Elliot Berg ? Aydin proposed 4R marketing theory; he took 4R theory of relationship marketing as the core, focusing on establishing customer loyalty. It describes the four new marketing mix elements: the Relativity, Reaction, Relation and Retribution. 4R theory emphasizes the business and customers in a dynamic market changes in long-term interactive relationship should be established in order to prevent customers loss, has won a long-term and stable market; secondly, in the face of rapidly changing customer needs, enterprises should learn to listen to customer feedback, timely search, find and tap the desire and dissatisfaction of customers and their evolution may occur while establishing a rapid response mechanism to respond quickly to market changes; should establish long-term and stable friendship between enterprises and customers, from sales into realization responsibility and commitment to customers, customers to buy again and to maintain customer loyalty; enterprises should pursue market returns and market returns as enterprises to further develop and maintain a relationship with the market and a source of power.
2.2.2 Relationship Marketing Theory
Chapter Ⅲ Case Description .................... 27
3.1 Background Introduction of HAM ............... 27
3.1.1 HAM Profile ............... 27
3.1.2 HAM KA Market Situation .................. 28
Chapter Ⅳ Case Analysis ....................... 33
4.1 Analysis of 4Rs Marketing Theory Application in HAM .......... 33
4.1.1 Relevance ................ 33
4.1.2 Reaction ................ 34
4.1.3 Relationship ................ 35
Chapter Ⅴ Suggestions........................... 48
5.1 Build KA Relationship Marketing Environment .......... 50
5.1.1 Establish System Environment ................... 50
5.1.2 Training and Cultural Environment .................. 51
5.1.3 Business Process Reengineering ..................... 51
Chapter Ⅴ Suggestions
Principle of KAM:
1. HAM business strategies related to the future direction of development path and development operations. As the environment changes, HAM business strategy should also be an ongoing process of innovation. HAM take a customer-centric business strategy is the need for market development. It identifies the HAM by establishing long-term stable and win-win relationship with our customers, not only to meet customer needs to embark on a HAM and make more competitive development. Under this business strategy, HAM and customers form a community of interests, HAM structure adjustment and resource allocation is to meet customer needs as the goal, HAM on the values, beliefs and codes of conduct should also form a customer service center awareness, and put it as part of corporate culture in the business objectives of the customer satisfaction as one of the criteria to judge the work. Business strategy is to develop business executives conducted for enterprise development plan totality, so senior managers should first establish this philosophy.
2. Organizational change is to protect the strategic change. KA requirements bring the company's organizational design issues. As Kempeners and van der Hart (1999) pointed out: "KAM organizational structure is the most interesting and most controversial part." Internal organizational structure often hinder coordinated account management, such as the dispersion of product distribution or Independence high local sales organization to serve the same customer time. Moreover, to provide services for KAs cannot be done alone by the sales department, but other departments need to participate in. HAM should establish a customer-centric organizational structure more flexible system, the organizational resources into aspects can best meet the needs of customers, and implementing customer-centric thinking in the examination system, pay system, incentives regime. Manufacturing sector make a good quality. HR staff to train high-quality level of service completed. Sales department, finance department, the transport sector should be customer-focused organization. HAM manages major customers’ lack of systematic and normative. Build a KAM unit, and give it certain rights assessment, scheduling rights will help to improve the management of KA confusion.
Chapter Ⅵ Conclusions and Prospect
Conduct eight law 20% of KAs made 80 percent of sales. In a customer-oriented marketing era, KAs are corporate customers strategic and KAM is the focus of customer relationship management. Enterprise KAM is the focus on KAs on the basis of positive strategic coordination activities within the enterprise expanded outside its core is now to retain KAs, providing products and services with KAs to maintain long-term conduct relations on the basis of marketing activities to achieve corporate marketing objectives. Because KA had a high customer value and influence in corporate customers, HAM should be KA-centric, to take the project team or form a team to provide added value to KAs, personalized, increase KA satisfaction and loyalty, cultivating good KA relations to enhance marketing efficiency and effectiveness of marketing strategies by KAs.
In this paper, the author takes HAM as a case, studies HAM company to explore KA churn problem, the need for traditional industrial production enterprises to implement KAM analysis and customer sales share fell proposed strategies to deal with the problem: Build Customer Relationship Management Environment improve the level of corporate information and conduct detailed market research and KA market segments, continuous improvement and KA relations. Steps proposed countermeasures KA development and account management to be taken, study the practical problems that occur during kAM and resolution in terms of policy recommendations.