稀疏矩陣的數(shù)據(jù)結構_稀疏矩陣 matlab_稀疏矩陣存儲格式總結+存儲效率對比:COO,CSR,DIA,ELL,HYB
(2)Compressed Sparse Row (CSR)
Values: [1 5 7 2 6 8 3 9 4]
Row Indices:[0 2 0 1 3 1 2 2 3]
Column Offsets:[0 2 5 7 9]
用兩個和原始矩陣相同行數(shù)的矩陣來存:第一個矩陣存的是列號,第二個矩陣存的是數(shù)值,行號就不存了,用自身所在的行來表示;這兩個矩陣每一行都是從頭開始放,如果沒有元素了就用個標志比如*結束。 上圖中間矩陣有誤,第三行應該是 0 2 3。
0 1 * 1 2 * 0 2 3 * 1 3 *
1 7 * 2 8 * 5 3 9 * 6 4 *
(4)Diagonal (DIA)
(5)Hybrid (HYB) ELL + COO
Structured Mesh
Unstructured Mesh
Random matrix
Power-Law Graph
6. Skyline Storage Format
The skyline storage format is important for the direct sparse solvers, and it is well suited for Cholesky or LU decomposition when no pivoting is required.
The skyline storage format accepted in Intel MKL can store only triangular matrix or triangular part of a matrix. This format is specified by two arrays: values and pointers . The following table describes these arrays:
valuesA scalar array. For a lower triangular matrix it contains the set of elements from each row of the matrix starting from the first non-zero element to and including the diagonal element. For an upper triangular matrix it contains the set of elements from each column of the matrix starting with the first non-zero element down to and including the diagonal element. Encountered zero elements are included in the sets.
pointersAn integer array with dimension ( m +1) , where m is the number of rows for lower triangle (columns for the upper triangle). pointers ( i ) - pointers (1)+1 gives the index of element in values that is first non-zero element in row (column) i . The value of pointers ( m +1) is set to nnz + pointers (1) , where nnz is the number of elements in the array values .
7. Block Compressed Sparse Row Format (BSR)
The Intel MKL block compressed sparse row (BSR) format for sparse matrices is specified by four arrays: values , columns , pointerB , and pointerE . The following table describes these arrays.
valuesA real array that contains the elements of the non-zero blocks of a sparse matrix. The elements are stored block-by-block in row-major order. A non-zero block is the block that contains at least one non-zero element. All elements of non-zero blocks are stored, even if some of them is equal to zero. Within each non-zero block elements are stored in column-major order in the case of one-based indexing, and in row-major order in the case of the zero-based indexing.
columnsElement i of the integer array columns is the number of the column in the block matrix that contains the i -th non-zero block.
pointerBElement j of this integer array gives the index of the element in the columns array that is first non-zero block in a row j of the block matrix.
pointerEElement j of this integer array gives the index of the element in the columns array that contains the last non-zero block in a row j of the block matrix plus 1.
[1] Sparse Matrix Representations & Iterative Solvers, Lesson 1 by Nathan Bell.
[5] Implementing Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on Throughput-Oriented Processors, Nathan Bell and Michael Garland, Proceedings of Supercomputing '09
[6] Efficient Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on CUDA, Nathan Bell and Michael Garland, NVIDIA Technical Report NVR-2008-004, December 2008