[Abstract]:In the late Ming Dynasty, the Shurangyan Classic became popular in Wenyuan, the reasons for which were quite complicated: Yangming "prevailing in the world" provided the ideological background for the popularity of the Shurangyan Classic. Yangming School and Shurangyan Classic are quite coincident with each other in theory. As the fusion characteristic of "religious Si Nan, sex always wants" and the true and false cases, the scholars in the late Ming Dynasty have a broad explanation space, and they also provide the literati of literature with an informal set of rules. In the late Ming Dynasty, the literati discussed that "everything is solid", that is, everything is true, with their respect and respect for me. The thought of expressing nature is closely related to the popular style of Zen Yue in Wenyuan. The book of the Shurangyan Classic, "the Beautiful Spirit of Literature and mind," is in good agreement with the aesthetic taste of the scribes; the preference for "Shurangyan" is closely related to the prevailing style of Zen Yue in Wenyuan. Reading "Shurangyan" and accompanied by natural leisure and elegant interest, "Xi" is more than "respect"; Wenyuan "Shurangyan" popular and the literati can really push and "Dongpo Pro Royal" completely the same. The interpretation of the Shurangama Sutra by the scribes also attracted the attention of the senior monks of the jungle and promoted the dissemination of the Shurangama Sutra.
【作者單位】: 南京大學中國思想家研究中心;
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