本論文從文化、文明轉型的角度論述了對哈爾濱現(xiàn)代化的影響。哈爾濱的城市建設是由一個漁村快速發(fā)展成了一座現(xiàn)代化的城市。文化是與人類社會發(fā)展相伴隨的,在人類歷史上,文化是以文化層相伴,文明則是人類歷史發(fā)展一定階段的產(chǎn)物。黑龍江地域的歷史文化生態(tài)較為落后,隨著歷史的發(fā)展經(jīng)歷了土著文化,關東文化,邊緣文化和外國文化等文化帶。其中外國文化對哈爾濱地域文化的形成最為突出,尤其是俄羅斯文化(俄國)最為顯著,以建筑為外在表現(xiàn)最為突出,被世人稱之為“東方莫斯科”,“東方小巴黎”。其中文明轉型的標志交通工具—“中東鐵路”的修建起到了加速器的作用。交通工具的出現(xiàn)壓縮了時間、空間,一時間以俄國為首的外國文化侵入了哈爾濱。哈爾濱地區(qū)曾一度出現(xiàn)“四分天下”的格局。歷史為什么選擇了哈爾濱呢?本文認為哈爾濱關道的設立晚于哈爾濱城市的形成,退出歷史舞臺又早于哈爾濱現(xiàn)代化的建設過程的時間,這就是為什么哈爾濱民族主義更為突出的理由——哈爾濱身份的確認。但又如何形成中國式的哈爾濱呢?這就是具有地域特色的哈爾濱的民族主義運動的興起。哈爾濱的民族主義的類型又分為以廣大人民群眾為基礎的義和團為代表的樸素民族主義——“排外”,反對一切外來的事物和以鄧潔民為代表的“師夷長技以制夷”類型,行使國家主權,建立“中國”的政權。這一運動暫時達成了統(tǒng)一,這對于哈爾濱早期城市現(xiàn)代化起到了最為顯著的作用,但是,當另一外來勢力——日本軍國主義侵略時,卻迷失了方向。爭取哈爾濱民族身份,建立具有中國特色的哈爾濱和哈爾濱城市的特點形成了哈爾濱民族主義的特色。具有中國特色的哈爾濱這一文化底蘊對哈爾濱人的影響尤為突出:服飾,飲食,文化,宗教信仰,豪放的性格等等。哈爾濱正以寬容,開放的姿態(tài)廣交世界朋友,特別在中俄兩國的交往中,學習,文化的進一步交流起到關鍵的作用。那么這一文化底蘊對現(xiàn)代哈爾濱的影響,本文認為對哈爾濱旅游文化的影響最有意 義。哈爾濱這一座“中西合璧”的城市文化底蘊對于游客對于城市的印象和預期影響極為重要,哈爾濱在宣傳自己的城市形象時也是特別注重哈爾濱地域文化的多碩博在線論文網(wǎng)性,對哈爾濱旅游業(yè)的可持續(xù)發(fā)展具有深遠意 義。
【Abstract】 From the view of culture and civilization, this essay focus on how the shift of the civilization influences Harbin’s modernization .The construction of Harbin is from fishing village to modern city. Culture’s development is companying with the human being. Culture is divided by its layer, however, only when human being developed certain time, civilization may occur, that is to say, civilization is "the product of the history of human being". The layer of Heilongjiang’s culture is backward. She has experienced "virgin culture", "Guandong Culture", "marginalization culture" and "foreign culture". The most important element of how to create the regional culture is the foreign culture, particularly Russian culture. Harbin is famous for her architecture especially Russian style, so people called Harbin "Eastern Mosque" or "Eastern Paris". One of the symbols of civilization is the tool of transportation. China Eastern Railway is the ancillary machine of Harbin’s modernization. The space and time is compressed, at that time ,foreign culture especially Russian culture conflicted with Harbin, Harbin is divided "four states"("four district").Why history choose Harbin? This essay think Harbin’s Guan Dao (official government office) established was later than Harbin city construction and disappeared quickly. That is why Harbin’s nationalism is very important. Harbin culture’s identity create a real Chinese Harbin. Harbin’s nationalism is divided two categories: common nationalism and state nationalism (create Chinese state). Boxer rebellion represented the common people against any forms of "foreign"; another type is "State nationalism", Deng Jiemin is the one of the representation "study foreign or western culture technology then construct China". Their objectives are the same, in a short time, they united each other, but when another foreign culture occupied (Japan imperialism), they lost their way. "Create Chinese community and build Chinese state" is one of the characteristic of Harbin regional culture. How the process of Harbin’s modernization influenced Harbin people, this essay think: clothes style, food and the ways how to eat, religion, culture and people’s character and so on. Harbin people make friend with the world especially with Russia play an important role.Harbin’ modernization process influenced another aspect is Harbin’ tourism. Harbin city is " Western Chinese City" , this is very important for tourist to know and research Harbin. The image and impression are the important points. When introduce and advertise Harbin, multiculture is very important. This aspect is very useful for Harbin’s tourism sustainable development.
【關鍵詞】 文明轉型; 民族主義; 多碩博在線論文網(wǎng)文化; 現(xiàn)代化; 中東鐵路;【Key words】 Shift of the Civilization; Nationalism; Multilculture; Modernization China Eastern Railway;
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