This article uses the biography of Orphan which is one of Genghiskhan’s apothegm that belongs to the Mongolian traditional culturetreasure as the research object and carries through the analyse of logic. ITconsists of introduction、body、conclusion、reference books.The introduction accounts for the purpose of choosing this topic、theresearch condition on The Biography of Orphan and the meaning ofinvestigation. The body is made of three parts. The first step is thatchoosing the Biography of Orphan as research object and making ananalyse simply about nine of his Generals and orpanan. The second partanalyzes the application of logic concept、judgement、consequence、refuteand so on that emerge from The Biography of Orphan. The third partanalyzes some thinking characters which appear in the Biography oforphan, for example, symbolic thinking、 binary thinking、 imaginalthinking、dialectical thinking.
《孤兒舌戰(zhàn)成吉思汗九員大將》的邏輯思維研究 內(nèi)容摘要7-8Abstract8正文11-89