A Textual Research of the Evolution of the Chinese Term”民族”
《Ethno-national Studies》 2004-06
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A Textual Research of the Evolution of the Chinese Term”民族”
Hao Shiyuan
There has been a widespread viewpoint among the researchers of the ethno-national studies that the Chinese word”民族”was introduced to China from Japan, since it was not found in ancient Chinese literature. However, This long-standing opinionis groundless. In fact, there are some examples of ”民族”as a term meaning clan or the “hua”or “Yi”people in ancient Chinese literature. This proves that the term ”民族”is a native Chinese word. In China, the modern term ”民族”appeared in the 1930s, but in Japan, the same word was found in translated western works under the influence of Sinology. On the other hand, in Japan, the word corresponded definitely with the volk, ethnos or nation. The definition to ”民族”, as well as the related theories in these western works, directly influenced the nationalism in China from the later Qing Dynasty to the early stage of the Republic. So the Chinese word ”民族”is not a loanword from the West through Japan.
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Chinese Journal Full-text Database 10 Hits
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5 Gong Yonghui;National Concept with harmony and Chinese Characters[J];Study of Ethnics in Guangxi;2005-03
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【Secondary References】
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